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What social media sites do teachers use?

What social media sites do teachers use?

Not surprisingly, teachers report heavy use of Facebook. In fact, 83\% of our respondents said they use Facebook, followed by 72\% who use Pinterest, 54\% who use Instagram, and 48\% who use Twitter.

Do students hook up with professors?

The survey comes from CollegeStats.org, and they polled over 2,000 students and found that over 14 percent— 14.04 percent, to be exact— of those surveyed had had “inappropriate sexual relationships” with a professor or a TA.

Do teachers use Google Hangouts?

Google Hangouts is Google’s free video-conferencing tool that is available for teachers to use as part of Google Apps for Education. Up to 10 participants can join a Google Hangout at a time. It’s a great way to connect your classroom with other classrooms anywhere in the world.

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How can I interact with my teacher online?

A Two-Way Street

  1. Share Relevant Experiences Or Stories. Students can participate by adding their personality into their communications, much as they do on other digital platforms.
  2. Provide Teacher Feedback. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or provide feedback to teachers.
  3. Contribute To The Discussion.

What is Edmodo classroom?

Edmodo is a free learning management platform that merges classroom content, safe communication, and assessment with social media savvy. Students and parents can get quick answers to questions as well as stay current on class assignments and happenings via the student planner and discussion threads.

Is dating a professor illegal?

A professor dating a former student is legal but still unethical, when that student is still at that institution.

Can a professor marry his student?

Yes, a professor can only date a student in special circumstances. First off, it could be that the student is in a different university while the professor is teaching in a different institution. As such, there could be no conflict of interest since the professor will not be using his position as bargaining power.

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How do I make my online class more interactive?

5 ways to make online learning more interactive

  1. Ask for feedback. Any chance the learners have to leave feedback is a great opportunity for interaction.
  2. Let people choose the way.
  3. Make it social.
  4. Invite learners to contribute.
  5. Encourage peer evaluation.

How do I make my online class less boring?

10 simple ways to make your online course videos less boring

  1. Smile.
  2. Laugh right before you start each take.
  3. Tell some funny stories.
  4. Do a demonstration or experiment.
  5. Include some funny videos from youtube.
  6. Use graphics, cutaways, b-roll or other things to showcase what you’re talking about.

Can online instruction replace the power and potential of teacher-student relationships?

No amount of online instruction can replace the power and potential of student-teacher relationships and the learning that happens in that context. Both teachers and students are the lesser for that. – Joshua Fleming, teaches ninth grade, Redmond, Wash.

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What are some good Facebook pages for teachers to join?

This is the Facebook page of the popular website Simple K12. It provides materials to help teachers build the 21st century learning experience. This is the official page of TED on Facebook. Join it to keep posted about the new releases of TED. If you want some inspiring ideas and creative cues for your education then have a look at this page .

Are teachers the lesser for that?

Both teachers and students are the lesser for that. – Joshua Fleming, teaches ninth grade, Redmond, Wash. I attempted a Zoom discussion about the end of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” with my eighth graders.