
Which language is best for desktop app development?

Which language is best for desktop app development?

Top 10 Best Programming Languages for Desktop Apps In 2021

  • Python.
  • Java.
  • JavaScript.
  • PHP.
  • Swift.
  • Red-Lang.
  • Go.
  • Object Pascal.

Which language is used to create apps?

Java was the default language to write Android apps since the Android platform was introduced in 2008. Java is an object-oriented programming language that was originally developed by Sun Microsystems in 1995 (now, it is owned by Oracle).

What is the best programming language for developing desktop applications?

C# (.net) or C++ is the main programming languages to develope desktop applications. C++ is normally used in personal applications, and most business applications were developed in C++. But C# were commonly used in enterprise applications, it is more suitable for rapid customization development.

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Is C++ a good language for Android development?

For Android , C++ is one of the most popular languages, together with Java. C++ first appeared in the early 1980s, and Java is actually heavily influenced by C++. But where C++ was created with the intention to mainly run on desktop computers at a very low level, Java was designed to run on all sorts of machines and was introduced in the mid-1990s.

Why should you learn Java for desktop development?

While not directly related to Desktop development, learning Java will also give you the benefit of being able to create mobile apps easily. Java is after all, one of the most popular languages for mobile development. This way if you ever want to develop a mobile app equivalent of your desktop application, you can easily do so.

Can a programmer use C++ for desktop applications?

A programmer can use C++ not only for the development of desktop applications but also for systems, browsers, games, and so much more. To edit and debug the source code of C or C++, you can use IDEs like Eclipse, NetBeans, Qt Creator, Visual Studio, and XCode.