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What is the use of flask?

What is the use of flask?

Flask is a web framework. This means flask provides you with tools, libraries and technologies that allow you to build a web application. This web application can be some web pages, a blog, a wiki or go as big as a web-based calendar application or a commercial website.

What is Django and Flask for?

Difference Between Flask and Django

Flask Django
Flask web framework uses a Ninja2 template design. Django web framework helps you to utilizes the View web templating system.
URL dispatcher of the Flask web framework is a RESTful request. URL dispatcher of this Django framework is based on controller-regex.

What is special about flask?

Flask gives the developer varieties of choice when developing web applications, it provides you with tools, libraries, and mechanics that allow you to build a web application but it will not enforce any dependencies or tell you how the project should look like.

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Can JavaScript be used with Flask?

As I’m sure you know, the reason is that JavaScript is the only language that runs natively in web browsers. In Chapter 14 you saw me add a simple JavaScript enabled link in a Flask template to provide real-time language translations of blog posts.

What is a flask and how is it used?

Flask is a Python web framework.Flask can be used for building complex , database-driven websites,starting with mostly static pages.

What is the purpose of a flask?

A volumetric flask is glassware used in laboratories for measuring volume in the preparation of solutions and holds a precise amount of liquid material when at room temperature. These flasks are calibrated using global standards and come in sizes up to 10,000 milliliters.

Why to use flask?

Flasks can be used for making solutions or for holding, containing, collecting, or sometimes volumetrically measuring chemicals, samples, solutions, etc. for chemical reactions or other processes such as mixing, heating, cooling, dissolving, precipitation, boiling (as in distillation), or analysis.

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What does a flask do?

Flasks can be used to make and hold solutions, to measure chemicals, and to contain chemical reactions like boiling, precipitation and analysis. Round-bottom flask — a flask with a round body and one or more necks with ground glass joints. Retort — a round vessel with a long downward-pointing neck.