How do I create a blog using flask?

How do I create a blog using flask?

The intention of this article is to cover the following:

  1. Setting up the flask application.
  2. Using flask_flatpages to generate our blog posts.
  3. Using flask_frozen to generate static html files.
  4. Hosting on github.io.
  5. Deploying using git.
  6. Setting up a custom domain.
  7. Registering the site with Google Analytics.
  8. Summary.

What python flask is used for?

Flask is an API of Python that allows us to build up web-applications. It was developed by Armin Ronacher. Flask’s framework is more explicit than Django’s framework and is also easier to learn because it has less base code to implement a simple web-Application.

Does a blog need a backend?

If you are doing it to learn web development, then it makes sense to learn backend and fronend otherwise just learn about wordpress and start blogging and focus on creating content. It doesnt matter, since they are two different areas. If your goal is to eventually learn the full stack, then follow a full stack path.

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What can I build with Flask?

¶ Flask is a web framework. This means flask provides you with tools, libraries and technologies that allow you to build a web application. This web application can be some web pages, a blog, a wiki or go as big as a web-based calendar application or a commercial website.

How do I create a flask application in Python?

In the preceding code block, you first import the Flask object from the flask package. You then use it to create your Flask application instance with the name app. You pass the special variable __name__ that holds the name of the current Python module.

Why flask is the best framework for web development?

It gives developers flexibility and is a more accessible framework for new developers since you can build a web application quickly using only a single Python file. Flask is also extensible and doesn’t force a particular directory structure or require complicated boilerplate code before getting started.

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How to handle HTTP requests in flask blogs?

In your flask_blog directory, open a file named hello.py for editing, use nano or your favorite text editor: This hello.py file will serve as a minimal example of how to handle HTTP requests. Inside it, you’ll import the Flask object, and create a function that returns an HTTP response. Write the following code inside hello.py:

How to make use of templates in flask?

We can import the render_template function from the Flask library to make use of templates on our website. The following code snippet shows the use of templates: To render a template, we must first create it which can be done easily by creating an HTML file.