How the FM CW radar can measure both speed and range of the target?

How the FM CW radar can measure both speed and range of the target?

CW radar can measure the instantaneous rate-of-change in the target’s range. This is accomplished by a direct measurement of the Doppler shift of the returned signal. The Doppler shift is a change in the frequency of the electromagnetic wave caused by motion of the transmitter, target or both.

How the Doppler shift and radar range can be measured with Fmcw radar explain?

If CW Doppler Radar uses the Frequency Modulation, then that Radar is called FMCW Doppler Radar or simply, FMCW Radar. It measures not only the speed of the target but also the distance of the target from the Radar.

How does a radar detect an object accurately?

Radar (radio detection and ranging) is a detection system that uses radio waves to determine the distance (ranging), angle, or velocity of objects. Radio waves (pulsed or continuous) from the transmitter reflect off the object and return to the receiver, giving information about the object’s location and speed.

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Can we measure the range using simple CW radar?

Conventional CW radar cannot measure range because there is no basis for the measurement of the time delay. Recall that the basic radar system created pulses and used the time interval between transmission and reception to determine the target’s range.

Is FM CW radar is best for the range and Doppler measurement?

The CW radar can measure the Doppler frequency of the target, but it cannot measure the target range. The frequency-modulated CW radar (FM–CW) can measure both the range and Doppler frequency of the target.

How the inability of simple CW radar to measure range can be overcome?

One of the greatest shortcomings of the simple CW radar is its inability to obtain a measurement of range. This limitation can be overcome by modulating the CW carrier, as in the frequency-modulated radar.

Why FMCW radar is not suitable for long range detection?

Simple continuous wave radar devices without frequency modulation have the disadvantage that it cannot determine target range because it lacks the timing mark necessary to allow the system to time accurately the transmit and receive cycle and to convert this into range.

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What is the stable operating range of the FMCW system?

FMCW range measurements are only reliable to about 60\% of the instrumented range, or about 300 km for 100 Hz FM.

What is range accuracy in radar?

Practically, the accuracy depends on the size of the individual range-cells in signal processing. ICAO recommends[3] a range cell size of 1/128 NM, i.e. about 14.5 m, for air traffic control air surveillance radar, which corresponds to a time interval of almost 10 nanoseconds.

How does radar measure distance?

The radar sensor measures distances, movements, and velocity. The sensor calculates the distance to an object by measuring the reflection of a high-frequency signal from that object. The transmitted signal is reflected by buildings, liquids, and so on.

What is advantage of FM CW radar?

Benefits or advantages of FMCW Radar ➨It uses low power for transmission. This can be supplied by many solid state devices such as magnetron, BWO, reflex klystron etc. ➨The super-heterodyne based architecture delivers good sensitivity and stability. ➨It offers higher bandwidth compare to CW radar.

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What is the range resolution capability of the FMCW radar?

This can be expressed in the equation  (1) as |Δf | and results in a range resolution capability of the FMCW radar. For example, a given radar with a linear frequency shift with a duration of 1 ms, can provide a maximum unambiguous range of less than 150 km theoretically.

What is the range cell size of air traffic control radar?

ICAO recommends [3] a range cell size of 1/128 NM , i.e. about 14.5 m, for air traffic control air surveillance radar, which corresponds to a time interval of almost 10 nanoseconds.

What is a radar sensor used for?

A radar sensor is a conversion device that can convert microwave echo signals into electrical signals. The radar sensing is a wireless sensing technology that extracts and discovers the target’s position, shape, motion characteristics and motion trajectory by analyzing the received target echo characteristics. Ⅱ What is radar sensing technology?

Why can’t FMCW radar detect take-off and landing planes?

Because the at an airfield occurring take-off and landing speeds of up to 200 m/s, a maritime navigation FMCW radar would have trouble at all to see these planes. The measurement error caused by the Doppler frequency can be greater than the distance to be measured.
