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What caused Europe to fall apart during the Middle Ages?

What caused Europe to fall apart during the Middle Ages?

There were many reasons for the downfall of the Middle Ages, but the most crucial ones were the decline of the feudal system and the declination of the Church’s power over the nation-states. The money system in turn caused the birth of a middle class, which didn’t fit anywhere into the feudal system.

How did medieval people find metal?

At first, metals were discovered by simply combing the surface for interesting objects. “Hey, this is hard but I can shape it” Then people discovered that metal can be shaped better when it’s hot. The copper age began-copper was recognized as being durable and malleable, and an alternative to stone tools.

Where did medieval Europe get its gold?

Gold was taken from the Rhine River, from mines at Vercellae and from Transylvania. It was brought in trade from the Atlantic coast of central Africa, and from the sources of the Egyptians. Gold from all over the world flowed into Rome.

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What did the growth of trade in medieval Europe result in?

The growth of trade led to the rise of the first large trading centers of the later Middle Ages. They were located on the important sea routes that connected western Europe with the Mediterranean Sea, Russia, and Scandinavia.

What happened in the Middle Ages?

The Late Middle Ages was marked by difficulties and calamities including famine, plague, and war, which significantly diminished the population of Europe; between 1347 and 1350, the Black Death killed about a third of Europeans.

What 4 Causes ended the Middle Ages?

4 Reasons for the end of the middle ages in Europe. ◦Failure lessened the power of the Pope.

  • Crusades. ◦Collapse of manorial system as productivity ends and serfs leave in search of work; peasant rebellions grow in response to nobles’ refusal to increase wages.
  • Black Death.
  • Hundred Years War.
  • Great Schism.
  • What was metal used for in medieval times?

    Later in the Middle Ages copper alloys were used for artillery, clock making, and also as brass wire in the paper industry. Finally, copper is a component of the main alloys used in early medieval coinage.

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    Why did Europeans use gold?

    If a country could find a way to get these valuable spices to Europe, the rulers would be very rich. European rulers fought many wars. They fought against each other and against the Turkish Empire. These wars were very expensive, so they needed to find lots of gold, silver, and precious stones to pay for them.

    When did Europe get gold?

    The first sizeable gold strike in Medieval Europe took place in 1320 at Kremnitz (now Krem-nica), in Slovakia. Following that strike, other gold deposits were discovered in central Germany, France, Italy and Britain.

    What were the effects of trade in the Middle Ages?

    Trade in the High Middle Ages. Improved roads and vehicles of transportation provide for increasingly far-flung urban markets. Cities are, in some ways, parasitical on the land around them. They don’t grow their own food, and as cities get larger and larger, they require more resources.

    What happened in Europe during the Middle Ages?

    How were small kingdoms formed in the Middle Ages?

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    In Europe, many small kingdoms were formed and fought over by tribes following the collapse of the Roman Empire in 476. Tribes such as the Ostrogoths, from modern Romania, and the Franks, from modern Germany, were among those that formed small, unstable kingdoms in the early Middle Ages.

    Which African kingdoms were among the strongest in the Middle Ages?

    At around the same time tribes and small kingdoms were warring over parts of Europe, the African kingdoms of Ghana and Mali were among the strongest of the Middle Ages. The Ghana Empire, also known as the Wagadou Empire, formed about 790.

    What was Europe like in the Middle Ages?

    High Middle Ages ca. 1000-1300 urban kingdoms flourish across Western Europe France, England, Holy Roman Empire 3 Late Middle Ages ca. 1300-1500 urban kingdoms decline The East-West Divide By the medieval period, the Eastern Roman Empire had evolved into the ByzantineEmpire(ca. 500-1453).

    Were the late Middle Ages characterized by decline and decay?

    It has been traditionally held that by the 14th century the dynamic force of medieval civilization had been spent and that the late Middle Ages were characterized by decline and decay.