
Is JVM is machine independent?

Is JVM is machine independent?

The JVM is not platform independent. The JVM is used to both translate the bytecode into the machine language for a particular computer, and actually execute the corresponding machine-language instructions as well. Without the JVM, you can’t run a Java application.

Is Java operating system independent?

Java is OS independent language because SAME source code will work in any OS. The issue you’re facing is about the Virtual Machine, which translates java bytecode to each OS, so, Chrome OS still does not support Java because JVM for Chrome has not been developed (yet).

What is meant by Java is platform independent?

The meaning of platform-independent is that the java compiled code(byte code) can run on all operating systems. A program is written in a language that is a human-readable language. It may contain words, phrases, etc which the machine does not understand. This intermediate representation in Java is the Java Byte Code.

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Why Java is not fully platform independent?

Java is not Platform Dependent, just because of it’s Bytecode. Java Bytecode compiled in such a way that it can be run on any platform whether it’s Windows, Mac or Linux in the presence of JVM.

Why is C++ not platform independent?

When a program is written and compiled in C/C++ language, the code is directly converted into machine readable language . i.e. executable code. i.e. when the program is compiled in windows OS .exe file can run only in windows OS and not on Unix OS. Therefore C/C++ programs are said to be platform dependent.

Why java is platform independent and portable?

Java is a portable: The Java source code is compiled in bytecode when the javac compiler is used. The bytecode is saved on the disk with the file extension . This bytecode is a platform independent code because it can be executed on several platforms, that is, Write Once and Run Anywhere (WORA) .

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Why java is platform independent and JVM is platform dependent?

JVM is platform dependent because it takes java byte code and generates byte code for the current operating system. So Java software is platform dependent but Java language is platform independent because different operating system have different JVMs.

Why is Java termed as a platform?

Why is Java often termed as a platform? Ans :- Platform is the environment in which programs execute. Instead of interacting with the Operating System directly, Java programs runs on a virtual machine provided by Java, therefore Java is often referred to as a platform also.

Why Java is platform independent and portable?

Which language is machine independent language?

Answer: A Machine Independent language is one that can run on any machine. An example of this would be Java. Because of the Java Virtual Machine or JVM it can take the compiled code for any given Java App and run it on the machine you are attempting to run it on.