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What happens to an object when it is moved to a location where the gravitational field strength is slightly greater?

What happens to an object when it is moved to a location where the gravitational field strength is slightly greater?

The mass of an object stays the same wherever it is, but its weight can change. This happens if the object goes where the gravitational field strength is different from the gravitational field strength on Earth, such as into space or another planet. Remember that their mass would still be 120 kg.

Does gravitational field strength affect inertia?

The gravitational interaction of all masses in a finite static universe model is shown to create a finite resistance to acceleration, which is inertia.

How does the mass of an object affect its acceleration within a given gravitational field?

Increasing force tends to increase acceleration while increasing mass tends to decrease acceleration. Thus, the greater force on more massive objects is offset by the inverse influence of greater mass. Subsequently, all objects free fall at the same rate of acceleration, regardless of their mass.

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How is gravitational field strength related to gravitational potential?

What is the difference between gravitational potential energy and gravitational field strength? Gravitational Potential Energy is the work done in moving a mass from infinity to a point in a gravitational field. On the other hand, Gravitational Field Strength is the force exerted per unit mass on a small test mass.

What affects the gravitational field strength?

Two major factors, mass and distance, affect the strength of gravitational force on an object.

How is the strength of the gravitational field represented in a gravitational field diagram?

Answer: Each field line has a direction marked on it with an arrow that shows the direction of the gravitational field at all points along the field line. The relative strength of the gravitational field is indicated by the density of the field lines (i.e., by how close the lines are).

What is gravitational field strength?

Gravitational field strength (g) is measured in newtons per kilogram (N/kg). The Earth’s gravitational field strength is 9.8 N/kg. This means that for each kg of mass, an object will experience 9.8 N of force. Where there is a weaker gravitational field, the weight of an object is smaller.

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What is the relationship between the strength of a gravitational force and mass?

Since the gravitational force is directly proportional to the mass of both interacting objects, more massive objects will attract each other with a greater gravitational force. So as the mass of either object increases, the force of gravitational attraction between them also increases.

Does mass affect gravitational acceleration?

“What are the factors that affect the acceleration due to gravity?” Mass does not affect the acceleration due to gravity in any measurable way. Light objects accelerate more slowly than heavy objects only when forces other than gravity are also at work.

How much kinetic energy is lost to coupling of two flywheels?

Thus, 3/4 of the initial kinetic energy is lost to the coupling of the two flywheels. Since the rotational inertia of the system increased, the angular velocity decreased, as expected from the law of conservation of angular momentum.

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Where do you feel the gravitational force?

You are probably somewhere near the surface of the Earth and there is a gravitational force between you and the Earth pulling you down. But here is the crazy part—you don’t really feel this gravitational force. Since the gravitational force pulls on all parts of your body, you don’t feel it.

Why can’t you feel the gravitational force in an elevator?

In order for your body to accelerate upwards, there must be an upward net force. This means the force of the floor pushing up must be greater than the weight pulling down. The actual weight doesn’t change, just your apparent weight. Like I said, you don’t really feel the gravitational force. OK, get out of the elevator and get in a spaceship.

What is the relationship between moment of inertia and angular velocity?

This equation says that the angular velocity is inversely proportional to the moment of inertia. Thus, if the moment of inertia decreases, the angular velocity must increase to conserve angular momentum. Systems containing both point particles and rigid bodies can be analyzed using conservation of angular momentum.