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What is the advantage of flywheel?

What is the advantage of flywheel?

The advantages of flywheel energy storage systems are high efficiency, high energy and power density, and long life. On the other hand, flywheels are more expensive and require more space than batteries and fuel cells. There are also some safety concerns about flywheels rotating at high speeds.

Can we start engine without flywheel?

Yes, you can start an engine without a flywheel provided it has a lot of cylinders. The more, the better. A 2 stroke 16 cylinder engine can easily run without a flywheel.

Why do we need a flywheel in an engine?

This is when a flywheel comes handy as it seamlessly provide power to the crankshaft at all times; keeping engine moving. A flywheel is connected directly to the crankshaft end; maintaining consistent power and orientation of the engine. Thus flywheels help ensure consistent power delivery in single cylinder engine.

What are flyfly wheels used for?

Fly wheels are used in internal combustion engines, especially in diesel engines. The purpose of the flywheel is to save energy and release the same when required. During the power stroke the engine develops power and the same is available at the crankshaft of the engine, which the flywheel stores in it.

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How does a flywheel store and release energy?

The energy stored to these flywheel are proportional to their square of rotating speed. A torque is applied to the flywheel to store rotational energy and when needed; energy is released from flywheel in the form of torque applied on the mechanical load. Thus it increase its rotational speed while storing energy and loose while releasing it.

What happens when a torque is applied to the flywheel?

A torque is applied to the flywheel to store rotational energy and when needed; energy is released from flywheel in the form of torque applied on the mechanical load. Thus it increase its rotational speed while storing energy and loose while releasing it. You can understand its application in daily life with a simple example.