
Why diesel engines require bigger flywheel?

Why diesel engines require bigger flywheel?

engines the flywheel required is heavier compared to S.I. engines are used in heavy vehicles also the compression stroke of diesel engine is more compared to S.I. engine therefore for that duration heavier flywheel is needed to supply the energy to the engine.

Why diesel engines are heavier than petrol engines?

So the engine’s combustion chamber should be strongly built to withstand heat and other related vibration and harshness. It deserves stronger metallurgy than the petrol engine’s construction and other paraphernelia connected with the engine should be also connected accordingly, hence it is heavier.

Why diesel engine is more heavier?

Now, in an internal combustion engine the compression ratio is directly related to the amount of power created; therefore in similar sized engines, the diesel is creating much more power than the gas engine. Consequently, the diesel engine is heavier than a similarly sized gasoline engine.

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Why are diesel motors so heavy?

The diesel engine lacks a spark plug and hence the piston runs all the way to the top of the cylinder to close the gap and produces more compression. As mentioned earlier diesel fuel is denser and contains 39.6 MegaJoules/liter of energy compared to 33.7 MegaJoules/liter of gasoline.

Why petrol engine is not used in heavy vehicles?

Petrol is highly combustible than Diesel. Petrol gives quick energy compared to Diesel. It is not suitable for heavy vehicles because by burning of petrol it gives lot of energy in a short time. At this circumstances, the vehicles has to move quick but due to heavy load it cannot as a result the cylinder may burst.

Why petrol engine has more power?

A petrol engine has a shorter stroke which allows it to be revved more and put out more power. A diesel engine, on the other hand, has a longer stroke since it needs more compression to burn. This makes it rev less but put out a lot of torque for the same engine size.

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Is diesel heavier than petrol?

The calorific value of diesel fuel is roughly 45.5 MJ/kg (megajoules per kilogram), slightly lower than petrol which is 45.8 MJ/kg. However, diesel fuel is denser than petrol and contains about 15\% more energy by volume (roughly 36.9 MJ/litre compared to 33.7 MJ/litre).

Is diesel engine more powerful than petrol?

Apart from the fact that diesel engines are more powerful than petrol engines, they also have higher torque, and hence they give a smoother drive. In petrol engines, the power developed is low due to the compression ratio, whereas in diesel engines, the power is more.

Why is the fly wheel of a diesel engine so heavy?

Diesel engine is much heavier than petrol engine so that the power require to move piston in rest three strokes expect power stroke is much due to much inertia so that the fly wheel kept heavy respectively so that the fly wheel can store more energy in the form of inertia.

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What are the pros and cons of a diesel car?

Drivability: Diesel engines provide better acceleration while petrol engines provide better top speed Maintenance: Due to the nature of combustion, diesel engines have a higher maintenance cost as compared to petrol engines. Confused whether the premium paid for that diesel car will pay off or not?

Why is diesel fuel more viscous than petrol?

Due to the fact that diesel fuel is heavier due to its chemical composition, it is more viscous than petrol. The viscosity of diesel increases a lower temperature, thus making it susceptible to gelling and may hamper the operation of diesel engines at frigid weather. It also boils between 250 to 350 degrees Celsius.

What is the function of flywheel?

Flywheels are used to smooth the power from the power-stroke and provide sufficient inertia to power the next compression stroke. With diesel engines, they have higher compression ratio than petrol engine, thus we need a heavier flywheel to smooth the running.