
Is it possible to get 100\% test coverage?

Is it possible to get 100\% test coverage?

First of all, let’s be very clear about what this metric measures. Many in the debate — particularly those on the “less is more” side of it — quickly point out that test coverage does not measure the quality of the tests. “You can have 100 percent coverage with completely worthless tests,” they’ll point out.

What is a reasonable test coverage?

Summary. Code coverage of 70-80\% is a reasonable goal for system test of most projects with most coverage metrics. Use a higher goal for projects specifically organized for high testability or that have high failure costs. Minimum code coverage for unit testing can be 10-20\% higher than for system testing.

How do you get 100 code coverage?


  1. One of the steps into achieving the 100\% coverage rule is to start with a better design. E.g. many times setter and getters are considered trivial to test and thereby causing people to skip testing them and thus lowering the coverage.
  2. Agreed, the best way to improve coverage is to write less code.

Why 100 code coverage is not possible?

100\% code coverage is almost as bad as 0\%. “There are too many variables to cover every combination.” This has nothing to do with getting 100\% code coverage. If a line of code was important enough to be written, and it is important enough to keep around, then it is important enough to be covered by a test.

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What is a good code coverage number?

With that being said it is generally accepted that 80\% coverage is a good goal to aim for. Trying to reach a higher coverage might turn out to be costly, while not necessary producing enough benefit. The first time you run your coverage tool you might find that you have a fairly low percentage of coverage.

What does it mean when your design has 75\% functional coverage and 90\% code coverage?

For example, very low coverage [10 to 40\%] indicates the testbench needs more useful test vectors, good coverage [60-80\%] indicates the testbench is good which can be improved further for the coverage closure and more coverage [90\% and above] indicates the testbench is highly productive.

What is code coverage in SV?

Code coverage measures how much of the “design Code” is exercised. This includes the execution of design blocks, Number of Lines, Conditions, FSM, Toggle and Path. The simulator tool will automatically extract the code coverage from the design code.

What is code coverage and functional coverage?

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Code coverage means that you have verified all of the lines of code in the design. For example, if there is an if statement, you have checked both branches. Functional coverage is where you have verified all of the scenarios that the design is to be used.

What is coverage and what are different types in SV?

Coverage is used to measure tested and untested portions of the design. Coverage is defined as the percentage of verification objectives that have been met. There are two types of coverage metrics, Code Coverage. Functional Coverage.

What is UVM coverage?

Functional Coverage: Functional coverage in UVM is a user-defined metric that measures how much of the design specification that are captured in the test plan has been exercised. •Used to measure whether interesting scenarios, corner cases, specification invariant have been observed, validated, and tested.

What is coverage in SV?

Functional coverage is a measure of what functionalities/features of the design have been exercised by the tests. This can be useful in constrained random verification (CRV) to know what features have been covered by a set of tests in a regression.

How do you sample SV coverage?

There are two ways to trigger coverage collection in a covergroup.

  1. Use sample() method of a particular covergroup to sample coverpoints within that group.
  2. Mention the event at which the covergroup should be sampled.

Should you aim for 100 percent test coverage?

Should You Aim for 100 Percent Test Coverage? You should aim for executing 100\% of the code before your customer does and 100\% automation in that process. Whether the coverage tool will recognize that is irrelevant. Join the DZone community and get the full member experience.

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Is 100\% code coverage really 100\%?

For many people, 100\% coverage is the mythical ideal that they all strive to achieve. After all, if 100\% of your code is covered by unit tests, all that code must be working, right? Sadly, as we will see, 100\% code coverage can lead to a false sense of security.

What percentage of coverage should you register with automated testing?

If you have some form of automated testing that executes the other 200,000 lines without a coverage tool becoming aware of it (say, because you don’t drive it with typical unit tests), you register 80 percent coverage, but you actually cover more with automated tests. Why get so precise? Because I want to drive home the nuance.

Does ‘less is more’ test coverage matter?

Many in the debate — particularly those on the “less is more” side of it — quickly point out that test coverage does not measure the quality of the tests. “You can have 100 percent coverage with completely worthless tests,” they’ll point out. And they’ll be completely right.