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What is comma operator with example?

What is comma operator with example?

Sometimes we assign multiple values to a variable using comma, in that case comma is known as operator. Example: a = 10,20,30; b = (10,20,30); In the first statement, value of a will be 10, because assignment operator (=) has more priority more than comma (,), thus 10 will be assigned to the variable a.

What is comma operator?

The comma operator ( , ) evaluates each of its operands (from left to right) and returns the value of the last operand. This lets you create a compound expression in which multiple expressions are evaluated, with the compound expression’s final value being the value of the rightmost of its member expressions.

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What is comma and size of operator?

The comma operator has no special meaning to sizeof . sizeof(b, a) examines the complete expression (b, a) , works out the resultant type, and computes the size of that type without actually evaluating (b , a) .

What is comma operator in Python?

Python does not have a comma operator. The only place in Python code where the comma might look like an operator is in tuple literals. Python lets you abbreviate tuples so that, for example, x = (1, 2) can be written x = 1, 2 ; however, this is only allowed where it is unambiguous.

What are trailing commas?

A trailing comma, also known as a dangling or terminal comma, is a comma symbol that is typed after the last item of a list of elements. Since the introduction of the JavaScript language, trailing commas have been legal in array literals. Later, object literals joined arrays.

What does comma mean in JS?

The comma operator in JavaScript evaluates each of its operands. It returns the value of the last operand. Add multiple expressions using the comma operator.

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What are the uses of comma and conditional operators?

The comma operator (,) allows you to evaluate multiple expressions wherever a single expression is allowed. The comma operator evaluates the left operand, then the right operand, and then returns the result of the right operand.

How is comma operator useful in a for loop explain with the help of relevant example?

The comma operator will always yield the last value in the comma separated list. Basically it’s a binary operator that evaluates the left hand value but discards it, then evaluates the right hand value and returns it. If you chain multiple of these they will eventually yield the last value in the chain.

How do you use commas in Python?

In Python, to format a number with commas we will use “{:,}” along with the format() function and it will add a comma to every thousand places starting from left. After writing the above code (python format number with commas), Ones you will print “numbers” then the output will appear as a “ 5,000,000”.

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What is the difference between comma and plus in Python?

concatenation means you are combining both variables(only strings) into one. But when you use comma it prints both the output separately but you can’t see it on the output console. concatenation can only be made between strings. By using the plus sign, you have changed the contents of the string named ‘answer’.