Useful tips

How do you replace space with commas?

How do you replace space with commas?

  1. Open the Replace dialog Ctrl + H.
  2. Type in a single space character, in the Find what: zone.
  3. Type in a , character, in the Replace with: zone.
  4. Select the Normal search mode.
  5. Click on the Replace All button.

How do you replace a space in a string?

Use /\s/g to replace all white space characters. Use /\s+/g to replace all runs of white spaces. And probably you what to use replaceSpace. trim() before applying the replace.

How do you remove spaces and special characters from a string in C++?

Removing a simple space is easy: char str[50] = “Remove The Spaces!!”; Then a simple loop with a if-statement: if (str[i] !=

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How do you add space between words in C?

Once the character is equal to New-line (‘\n’), ^ (XOR Operator ) gives false to read the string. So we use “\%[^\n]s” instead of “\%s”. So to get a line of input with space we can go with scanf(“\%[^\n]s”,str);

How do you replace commas with blank spaces in Word?

In the Advanced Find and Replace pane, go to the Replace tab, and: (1) In the Find what box, please type a space; (2) In the Replace with box, type underscore/dash/comma as you need.

How do you change commas with spaces in Shell?

The command s/,/ /g tells sed to replace every comma with a space. q tells it to quit after the first line. The lone < indicates redirection: it tells the shell to get its input for the read command from the file-like object that follows on the command line.

Is replaced by space in URL?

URL encoding replaces unsafe ASCII characters with a “\%” followed by two hexadecimal digits. URLs cannot contain spaces. URL encoding normally replaces a space with a plus (+) sign or with \%20.

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How do you replace a character in a string in C++?

Example 1

  1. #include
  2. using namespace std;
  3. int main()
  4. {
  5. string str1 = “This is C language”;
  6. string str2 = “C++”;
  7. cout << “Before replacement, string is :”<
  8. str1.replace(8,1,str2);

How do you remove spaces from a String?

To remove all white spaces from String, use replaceAll() method of String class with two arguments, i.e.

How do you remove spaces from a String in Java?

How do you remove all white spaces from a string in java?

  1. public class RemoveAllSpace {
  2. public static void main(String[] args) {
  3. String str = “India Is My Country”;
  4. //1st way.
  5. String noSpaceStr = str.replaceAll(“\\s”, “”); // using built in method.
  6. System.out.println(noSpaceStr);
  7. //2nd way.

What is space in C?

The ASCII value of Space is 32. So you can compare your char to the octal value of 32 which is 40 or its hexadecimal value which is 20.

How do you indicate a space in C?

C isspace() The isspace() function checks whether a character is a white-space character or not. If an argument (character) passed to the isspace() function is a white-space character, it returns non-zero integer. If not, it returns 0.