Can playing soccer cause hernia?

Can playing soccer cause hernia?

Soccer players tend to overwork their hip flexors and adductors, which gradually lead to minor groin strains. If left untreated, they can eventually lead to a sports hernia.

How can sports hernias be prevented?

You can attempt to prevent these types of hernias by:

  1. using proper lifting techniques.
  2. losing weight if needed.
  3. avoiding constipation by eating plenty of fiber.
  4. drinking lots of water.
  5. going to the bathroom as soon as you have the urge.
  6. exercising regularly, with focus on strengthening the abdominal muscles.

Can you get a hernia from kicking a soccer ball?

What causes a sports hernia? The main cause of a sports hernia is the sudden and intense twisting of the upper body that’s usually found in sports and athletics, like when you turn suddenly kicking a soccer ball or to bounce a basketball away from your opponent.

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Do footballers get hernias?

Symptoms of a Sports Hernia Sports hernias are most common in athletes that have to maintain a bent forward position, such as hockey players. However, sports hernias are also found in many other types of athletes such as football and soccer players.

Should I play soccer with a hernia?

In the case of a sports hernia, it is usually acceptable to continue playing football, but once again this depends on the clinical findings, pain, and radiographic findings. Since a sports hernia is not a true hernia, there is no risk for the intestines to strangulate, leading to an emergency surgery.

Can I run with sports hernia?

As long as the bulge is not painful or inflamed, there is very little risk for you to continue running. However, if the hernia strangulates, so blood flow to the bowel tissue is compromised, then the hernia becomes an emergency.

Can sports cause a hernia?

Sports hernias are typically caused by repetitive or explosive motions, especially those that require twisting of the pelvis such as football, hockey, soccer, rugby, skiing, running and hurdling. The soft tissues that perform these movements found in the lower abdomen and pubic area are most frequently torn or injured.

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How do you heal a sports hernia naturally?


  1. Rest. Your doctor may recommend halting physical activity for 7 to 10 days to allow the injury to rest and recover.
  2. Ice. Applying ice to the area can reduce inflammation and pain.
  3. Medicine.
  4. Injections.
  5. Physical therapy.

Does sports hernia go away?

Sports hernias don’t usually heal on their own, so you will likely need treatment in order to feel better.

Can you play soccer after hernia?

TEN to 12 DAYS AFTER SURGERY: In most cases, normal sports and recreational activities can be safely resumed. TWO WEEKS AFTER SURGERY: No limitations on physical activity (even contact sports) are required beginning about 14 days after surgery.

Can a hernia heal itself?

The hernia won’t heal on its own. If your hernia does not bother you, most likely you can wait to have surgery. Your hernia may get worse, but it may not. Over time, hernias tend to get bigger as the muscle wall of the belly gets weaker and more tissue bulges through.

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Can sports hernia go away?

A sports hernia usually requires formal treatment other than rest, so it is unlikely that a sports hernia will heal on its own. Physical therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs and/or corticosteroids are often needed to treat a sports hernia. In some cases, surgery is needed.