
Do medical students have any free time?

Do medical students have any free time?

The quick answer to this is yes, you will have free time in med school. Without free time how are you supposed to sleep, eat and ‘do’ all the other things involved in being a fully functioning human being? Your classes, lectures and hospital commitments can’t keep you occupied for a full 24-hours of the day.

Is life of a MBBS student boring?

Not at all. I would say it’s as interesting as it gets. The ‘boredom’ element in your life depends upon your personality and not on what you pursue. Have seen some engineers, architects, lawyers etc be more bored than some medicos and the other way round too.

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Are medical students happy?

Results: It can be observed that happiness level of medical students is 70\%. Female students are slightly more happy than male students. It was evident that percentage of happiness is much more in students living with their family. It was also observed Percentage of happiness is much more in students having some hobby.

How can I enjoy life in medical school?

Study a lot ,sply standard books to become a good dr. but keep so much time to conclude everything you read with the help of indian authors to pass the exams n enjoy also a lot have some productive hobby which you can even enjoy alone. keep learning new things in life .

Are medical students more attractive?

One of the big reasons people find med students so attractive is status. Working in healthcare, and becoming a doctor, carries a lot of social leverage. As does the preconception that most doctors are smart, hard working and rich.

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Do medical students enjoy their lives?

Of course medical students enjoy their lives. Studying does take up a lot of our time outside of classroom lectures and clinical postings but we do find time to do the things that we love. At least I did. 🙂 We didn’t have a lot of money to go around but we did have fun in a way I can’t do now.

What is it like being a medical student at Uni?

University is about a lot more than simply gaining a degree, you will learn a lot about yourself and other people and hopefully build yourself into someone who is capable of being a good doctor. 4. Being a medical student isn’t all about studying medicine All these activities that you can do in your spare time aren’t just about having fun, however.

Do you compare yourself to other medical students?

Medical students represent an extremely limited selection of people your age and they will tend to be both very capable and hard working. This can sometimes result in you feeling rather demoralised when comparing yourself to other medics, especially as you will tend to notice the ones working harder than you more than the rest.

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What does it mean to be a competent medical student?

First of all it means that it can be quite difficult to pass your exams. In other subjects you are certified as competent by scoring a decent grade (usually a 2:1), however in medicine if you pass you will be guaranteed to continue down the path of clinical school and continue on to a professional medical career.
