
Why does my mom treat me different from my sister?

Why does my mom treat me different from my sister?

Some parents treat one kid differently because they need someone to blame for their problems, because the kid reminds them of something they hate about the father, because they feel competitive with that child, because they don’t know how to interact with that child well, or for other reasons.

When your parents prefer your sibling?

When your parents prefer your sibling, try telling them that you think they have a preference and that it upsets you. They genuinely may not have noticed that they show a preference. Talking to them will bring your feelings out in the open and allow you to discuss them.

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What do you do when your mom loves your sibling more?

Coping With Adult Sibling Rivalry

  1. Don’t Take It Personally.
  2. Find Support Elsewhere in Your Life.
  3. Don’t Perpetuate Sibling Rivalry.
  4. Accept the Reality of the Situation.
  5. Invest In Your Own Family.
  6. Get Additional Support If Needed.

Why does my mom treat me differently than my siblings?

Parents often treat children differently for reasons based solely on qualities that are nobody’s fault. Factors like birth order, genes, gender, and more sometimes lead to bias. Potential reasons include: Birth order: Firstborn kids might get more attention and praise for being responsible and capable.

What happens when the oldest sibling is older than the younger?

In situations in which the oldest sibling is a male who is a few years older than the younger siblings, the younger ones are female, and when there is no parental supervision—as there often is not in such cases—the boy sexually molests the girls. (Occasionally, older sisters will also molest younger brothers or even sisters).

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Does your parent show favor to your sibling?

Since we’re all different, nobody relates to any two people in exactly the same way. In some cases, a parent might seem to show favor to your sibling. In other cases, or from another point of view, your parent might appear to favor you.

Are your parents treating your siblings better than you?

It can be frustrating when you feel like your parents are treating your siblings better than you. Before you get too upset, though, recognize that you and your sibling have different interests, hobbies, and skills, and might need to be parented differently.

Do you remember trying to make up with your sister?

You remember trying to make up with your sister. You started to believe that you were at fault, that something was intrinsically the matter with you. Being innocent you shared your secrets with this sister only to discover that she betrayed your trust and told your deepest thoughts and feelings to your narcissistic mother.