
At what time between 10 and 11 will the hands of a clock coincide?

At what time between 10 and 11 will the hands of a clock coincide?

At 10 o’clock the hour hand is at 10 and the minute hand is at 12. ∴ The minute and hour hand of a clock overlap somewhere between 10 and 11. That is minutes before 11 o’clock. Hence the correct answer is minutes before 11 o’clock.

At what times does the hour and minute hand overlap?

Let’s see…the hands overlap exactly at noon and midnight, so that’s two right there. They’re not exact, but the hands would also overlap near 1:05, 2:10, 3:15, 4:20, 5:25, 6:30, 7:35, 8:40, 9:45, 10:50 and 11:55 twice each day.

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At what time between 10 and 11 will the minute and hour hand be at right angles?

Thus, time required = = = or 21 minutes. Example 2: At what time between 10 and 11 will the minute and hour hand be at right angles? Solution: At 10 O’clock, the hour hand has covered (10*30°) = 300°. Considering that hour hand is at 10, to make a 90-degree angle with the hour hand, the minute hand has to be at 1 or 7.

At what time between 10 and 11 o’clock are the hands 2 min space apart?

Detailed Solution. In this case angle is 12 degrees. In this case angle is -12 degrees. Hence, at (56 + 8/11) minutes past 10 and (54 + 2/11) minutes past 10 the hands of a clock are 2 minutes apart.

At what time between 11 and 12 o’clock will the hands of a watch point in opposite direction?

13. How many times in a day, are the hands of a clock in straight line but opposite in direction? Explanation: The hands of a clock point in opposite directions (in the same straight line) 11 times in every 12 hours.

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At what time are the hour and minute hand of a 12 hour clock together between 6 and 7?

In order to coincide the minute hand has to gain 30 minutes space. Now 55 minutes are gained by minute hand in 60 minutes. 30 minutes will be gained in = 6055×30=3611 = 32811 minutes. So the hands will coincide 32811 minutes past 6.

How many times the minute hand of a clock overlaps with the hour hand from 9 00 am to 4 00 pm in a day?

The hands coincide 22 times in a day.

What is clock reasoning?

Ans.3. Some of the tips and tricks regarding the Clock reasoning section are given above in the article.

At what time do the hands of a clock meet between 4 and 5?

Let the hands of the clock coincide after x minutes. So, the hands of a clock coincide 21.81 minutes past 4. Therefore, the correct answer is option B, 21.81 min.

At what time between 9 and 10 o’clock are the hands of a clock 12 minute spaces apart?

Correct Option: C At 9 o’clock, the hour hand is at 9 and the minute hand is at 12. it means that the two hands are 15 min spaces apart . To be in the same straight line (but not together ), they will be 30 min space apart . ∴ The minute hand will have to gain (30 – 15) = 15 min space over the hour hand .

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At what time between 10 o’clock and 11 o’clock will the hands of a clock be in the straight line but not together?

To be in the same straight line (but not together), they will be 30 min space apart. The minute hand will have to gain (30 – 10) = 20 min space over the hour hand. As we Know, 55 min spaces are gained in 60 min. 20 min will be gained in (60 / 55 x 20) min = 240 / 11 =

At what time between 7 and 8 am will the minute hand and the hour hand of a clock be opposite one another?

7. Find at what time between 7 o’clock and 8 o’clock will the hands of a clock be in the same straight line but not overlap each other. Between 7 and 8, the hands will be in opposite directions at (5 7 – 30)(12/11) = 60/11 min.