
Why is modulo operation expensive?

Why is modulo operation expensive?

Modulo is an combination of a division, multiplication and subtraction. Like you i would be interested to find a replacement. Why is the modulo operator expensive? Because it’s a form of integer division, which is moderately expensive.

What is the purpose of using modulo operator?

The modulus operator – or more precisely, the modulo operation – is a way to determine the remainder of a division operation. Instead of returning the result of the division, the modulo operation returns the whole number remainder.

How do you do modulo without modulo?

Algorithm :

  1. First read the number and divisor as entered by the user.
  2. Keep subtracting the divisor from the number and set the value to the number till the number become less than divisor.
  3. If the number becomes less than divisor, it should be the required remainder.
  4. Print out the result.
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What is the difference between modulus and modulo?

“modulo” is an operator. For instance, we might say “19 and 64 are congruent modulo 5”. “modulus” is a noun. It describes the 5 in “modulo 5”.

What is the purpose modulo operator in JavaScript?

The modulo operator is represented by the \% character in JavaScript. It returns the remainder of two integers that have been divided. As the remainder will always be less than the divisor, modulo operators can be very useful in restricting the range of outputs.

Is modulo distributive over addition?

Addition and multiplication is association under modulos. One way to see this is to note that a≡b (mod n) means that a and b have the same remainder when dividing by n.

How do you implement modulo without division?

Getting the modulus of a number can be easily done without the modulus operator or divisions, if your operand is a power of 2. In that case, the following formula holds: x \% y = (x & (y − 1)) . This is often many performant in many architectures.

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Which operator gives the Remainderr after division?

The modulo operator, denoted by \%, is an arithmetic operator. The modulo division operator produces the remainder of an integer division.

How do you do modulo operations?

How to calculate the modulo – an example

  1. Start by choosing the initial number (before performing the modulo operation).
  2. Choose the divisor.
  3. Divide one number by the other, rounding down: 250 / 24 = 10 .
  4. Multiply the divisor by the quotient.
  5. Subtract this number from your initial number (dividend).

Is modulo a slow operation?

So in simple terms, this should give you a feel for why division and hence modulo is slower: computers still have to do long division in the same stepwise fashion tha you did in grade school.

What is the modulus/modulo operation?

The modulus/modulo operation is usually understood as the integer equivalent of the remainder operation – a side effect or counterpart to division. Except for some degenerate cases (where the divisor is a power of the operating base – i.e. a power of 2 for most number formats) this is just as expensive as integer division!

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Is the modulus of a number expensive to calculate?

I assume that calculating the modulus of a number is a somewhat expensive operation, at least compared to simple arithmetic tests (such as seeing if a number exceeds the length of an array). If this is indeed the case, is it more efficient to replace, for example, the following code:

Why is modulo by a power of two the cheapest operation?

If you modulo by a power of two, it is essentially an and operation in most optimizing programming languages, thus is one of the cheapest operations. As the second is way harder to optimize if optimized at all and you effectively double the computation time of the modulo.

How do you use the modulo operator on a float value?

Similar to int, the modulo operator used with a float will return the remainder of division, but as a float value: >>> 12.5 \% 5.5 1.5 >>> 17.0 \% 12.0 5.0 An alternative to using a float with the modulo operator is to use math.fmod() to perform modulo operations on float values: