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How do you make 1/5 into a decimal?

How do you make 1/5 into a decimal?

Answer: 1/5 as a decimal is expressed as 0.2.

What is 1.5 as a fraction?

Answer: 1.5 as a fraction is written as 3/2.

What is 1/6 as a decimal to 2 decimal places?

Writing 1/6 as a decimal using division method Here, the fraction is 1/6 which means we need to perform 1 ÷ 6. This gives the answer as 0.1666… So, 1/6 as a decimal is 0.16666… This is a non-terminating repeating decimal number.

What is a decimal of 1 2?

Answer: 1/2 as a decimal is 0.5.

How do you write 2/5 as a decimal?

To convert any fraction to decimal form, we just need to divide its numerator by denominator. This gives the answer as 0.4. So, 2/5 as a decimal is 0.4.

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What is 2 over 5 as a decimal?

Answer: 2/5 as a decimal is 0.4.

How do you round decimals to the third decimal place?

Rounding to Decimal Places Video. 1 Step 1: Find the 3rd decimal place: The 3rd decimal place in 108.12 3 9 is 3. 2 Step 2: Look at the decider digit, which is the next digit to the right, the 4th decimal place: 3 Step 3: Evalute the decider digit (9): 4 Step 4: Determine our rounded number:

What is the rule for rounding up decimals?

If the next smallest place value is greater than or equal to five (5, 6, 7, 8, or 9), you increase the value of the digit you’re rounding to by one (+1). Just like before, any remaining digits before the decimal point become zeros, and any that are after the decimal point are dropped. This is called rounding up.

How do you round down to the next smallest digit?

Any digits after that number (including the next smallest place value you just looked at) become zeros, or drop-off if they’re located after the decimal point. This is called rounding down. If the next smallest place value is greater than or equal to five (5, 6, 7, 8, or 9), you increase the value of the digit you’re rounding to by one (+1).

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How do you round to the nearest ten?

For example, if you want to round to the nearest ten you’d look at the ones place. If the digit in the next smallest place value is less than five (0, 1, 2, 3, or 4), you leave the digit you want to round to as-is. Any digits after that number (including the next smallest place value you just looked at) become zeros,…