How do you pitch a game idea to a developer?

How do you pitch a game idea to a developer?

“If we knew that, we’d already have it in development.” Instead, he suggests you tailor your pitch to a company’s current strategy. If you’re pitching to Microsoft, they’ll like Kinect support, while only a fool would pitch an idea to Zynga that wasn’t using the freemium model.

How do you get GAME ideas developed?

Keep it simple, clear and descriptive. Write down up to 5 ideas, and then choose the top one you or your team think is the best. Take part in a game jam! Game jams can be a great way to force you to come up with and create your ideas quickly in a short amount of time, as they normally last between 24 – 72 hours.

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Can I sell a video game idea?

Originally Answered: How do I sell a video game idea? You don’t. The idea alone is worth nothing at all, so you cannot sell your idea. Turn it into a working prototype and you might have something that’s worth money.

What do you need to pitch a game?

How to Pitch Your Game

  1. The past experience of your leadership team, even if that’s just you.
  2. A one-sentence description of your game that includes the “hook” or unique selling proposition (USP).
  3. A brief synopsis of the game story.
  4. A clear description of the gameplay loop.
  5. A short list of key features.

What is a game concept?

A game concept, in its simplest form, is the easy-to-understand vision you have for your game. Your game concept should include exactly what the game is and what creating it involves. This includes the story, the art, and how you’re going to make money with the game.

How do I copyright a game idea?

How to copyright a board game in the US

  1. Go to the Copyright Office registration webpage.
  2. Complete your application online or on paper.
  3. Pay the non-refundable filing fee of $35, $55 or $85 (depending on your application)
  4. Give the Copyright Office copies of the board game you want to register for them to keep.
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Can you copyright a game concept?

The Copyright Office factsheet on games explains exactly this: Copyright does not protect the idea for game, its name or title, or the method or methods for playing it. Nor does copyright protect any idea, system, method, device, or trademark material involved in developing, merchandising, or playing a game.

Can you make a game based on a game concept?

You may have an idea or a concept for a game and you may like to make a full game based on that concept. Congratulations, you’re now taking the first step in the game development process. But you may be unsure of what to do next with your game concept. Fortunately, that’s what we’re here to discuss this.

What is the process of game development?

In its simplest form, video game development is the process of making a video game. You take an idea or a concept for a game, and you develop, program, engineer, render, record, mix, produce, test, etc. until you have a full-fledged game.

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What does a game developer do?

A game developer could be a programmer, a sound designer, an artist, a designer or many other roles available in the industry. Game Development can be undertaken by a large Game Development Studio or by a single individual. It can be as small or large as you like.

How do you come up with a game idea?

A game idea or concept can come from a variety of places. You may be inspired by another medium, such as a film or a book, you may have had an exciting experience and want to share it with others, you may be playing another game and think you can do better, or you may just have a sudden flash of inspiration out of nowhere.