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Does anyone still use JavaFX?

Does anyone still use JavaFX?

Many folks assume that client Java is dead; however, JavaFX is still alive and well with more usage, more platforms, and more community support than ever. And here are the top 3 reasons you may also want to consider adopting JavaFX for your next client application: Cross Platform and Mobile.

Is it worth learning JavaFX in 2021?

Originally Answered: Should I learn JavaFX? If you want to create cross-platform desktop applications then yes, JavaFX is probably the best option.

Which company uses JavaFX?


Developer(s) Sun Microsystems (now acquired by Oracle Corporation)
Operating system Java Runtime Environment
Platform Cross-platform
Available in Java
Type Application framework
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What has replaced JavaFX?

GWT, Vaadin, Qt, JSF, and Electron are the most popular alternatives and competitors to JavaFX.

Why do companies still use Java 6 instead of JavaFX?

There are companies still using Java 6 because of legacy requirements or client requirements. For those companies, JavaFX isn’t an option. There are still more Java Swing experts on Stack Overflow than JavaFX experts available to answer questions. JavaFX is more recent and can be considered as the successor of Swing.

Is it worth it to convert from Java Swing to JavaFX?

If companies have existing Java Swing projects, it’s usually not worthwhile financially to convert them to JavaFX. There’s also the problem that there are not many good Java Swing experts, and if you’re lucky enough as a company to have a Java Swing expert that’s also a User Experience (UX) expert, you don’t want to rock the boat.

Why should I use JavaFX for creating GUIs?

Anyone who wants to create compatible and cross-platform GUIs with java should use JavaFX. Here’s why: JavaFX can be created by code implementation or drag and drop with scene builder (the latter makes life easier) JavaFX can be styled with CSS, with which you can create cool GUIs.

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What is the future for Java GUI applications?

JavaFX is future for java GUI applications. Anyone who wants to create compatible and cross-platform GUIs with java should use JavaFX.