Which planet is responsible for social status?

Which planet is responsible for social status?

The social or transpersonal planets are Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter and Saturn are often called the first of the “transpersonal” or “transcendent” planets as they represent a transition from the inner personal planets to the outer modern, impersonal planets.

Which planet is responsible for negative?

The main significators or ‘Karaka’ planets for Concentration are Rahu, Ketu, Moon & Mercury. Malefic Ketu is responsible for immense negativity in your character. This planet causes confusion so the person will always want to appear confused to gain sympathy of others.

Which planet is responsible for self confidence?

Mercury reflects the confidence level and excellent communication skills and hence it should strengthen to increase your confidence.

Which Graha is responsible for social life?

Jupiter and Saturn come next, and they’re sometimes known as the “social planets” or “transpersonal planets,” given that they govern areas of our lives that relate to interpersonal issues. Some people may categorize these two giants as either inner or outer planets, too, since they fall just in the middle.

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Which planet is responsible for shyness?

Mars is the planet that provides a native with courage, will power, valor, and competitive spirit if it resides in a strong position in the horoscope. If it is in a debilitated state in the horoscope then it makes the native sentimental, over emotional and shy in nature.

Which planet causes fear and anxiety?

Moon sitting in conjunction with Saturn makes a person’s mind heavy. Saturn is fear and limitation.

What happens if Rahu is not good?

Rahu is known to confer malefic effects in general and is considered as a planet which induces laziness, delays, and hurdles in work. Rahu is known to reflect its shadow for 18 months in a zodiac. It can create confusion, depression and emotional imbalance if placed negatively in the horoscope.

Which planet is responsible for laziness?

Rahu is known to confer malefic effects in general and is considered as a planet which induces laziness, delays, and hurdles in work. Rahu is known to reflect its shadow for 18 months in a zodiac.

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What happens if Jupiter is weak?

A weak Jupiter can bring adverse results and misfortunes in the life of the native. Some of the troubles one might face due to a weak Jupiter are: A weak Jupiter may cause health issues such as diabetes, obesity, inflammation, and problems related to the stomach, liver, hips, and feet. Dryness of skin may also occur.

Which planet is responsible for attraction?

Venus rules the love nature and determines what type of partner a person is attracted to. The sex drive is represented by Mars, making this planet extremely influential when determining sexual compatibility.

What are the personal planets in astrology?

These planets (the sun, the moon, Venus, Mercury, and Mars) are sometimes dubbed “personal planets,” as they determine the relationships we have with ourselves and the people closest to us. Self-understanding, confidence, interpersonal relationships, personal desires, and communication style are all ruled by these celestial forces.

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What signs are the planets most at home in?

In general, planets are most at home in the sign they rule (Jupiter in Sagittarius, for example), but there are benefits and downfalls to each sign—characteristics the planets are sure to emphasize with their own special touch.

Why are planets important in astrology—and what do they mean?

Why Are Planets so Important in Astrology—and What Do They Mean? 1 The sun: Self-awareness & ego 2 Mercury: Communication 3 Venus: Love, beauty & money. Understanding planetary alignment also provides a useful guide for us to understand day-to-day life.

How do the planets affect our personal lives?

The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars are the personal planets which affect our personalities and immediate relationships. The more distant planets affect how we interact with the world in a more general way.