
What is the acceleration due to gravity of a planet having the same mass and double the radius as that of the earth?

What is the acceleration due to gravity of a planet having the same mass and double the radius as that of the earth?

It’s value remains same everywhere . g’ = G2M/(2r)2 ( Because mass and the radius is twice than the earth . ) ‘g’ Acceleration due to gravity will become half(1/2) of the original .

What is the equivalent of gravitational acceleration of the planet Earth?

In the first equation above, g is referred to as the acceleration of gravity. Its value is 9.8 m/s2 on Earth.

What is the relationship between mass of a planet and the surface gravity of that planet?

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The more massive a planet or star is, the stronger the gravitational force it exerts. It is this force that allows a planet or star to hold other objects in their orbit.

What would be the value of acceleration due to gravity of a planet of mass 3 into 10 raise to power 24 kg and radius 3.2 into 10 raise to power 6 Metre?

Step-by-step explanation: we know that, g =G × M/ r^2. g = 6.7 × 10^ -11 × 3 × 10 ^24/ 3.2 ×10^6 × 3.2 × 10 ^6. g= 6.7 × 10^-22×3.2^-2.

How do you find the mass of a planet with acceleration and radius?

g = GM/r2, Where M is the mass of the Earth, r the radius of the Earth (or distance between the center of the Earth and you, standing on its surface), and G is the gravitational constant. G (without the subscripts) is the gravitational constant, and c is the speed of light.

What are the three formulas for mass force and acceleration?

It is summarized by the equation: Force (N) = mass (kg) × acceleration (m/s²). Thus, an object of constant mass accelerates in proportion to the force applied.

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Which planet has the largest gravitational acceleration?

Jupiter is the largest in our Solar System, meaning it also has the highest gravity. You would weigh two and a half times on Jupiter than what you would on Earth.

What is mean by Earth gravitational acceleration?

The earth’s gravitational acceleration is the acceleration produced in a free falling body. It is 9.8 m/s^2 for earth. It is used to measure the potential energy of a body. It indicates the intensity of gravitational field.

What is the relationship between the size of a planet and its gravitational pull?

A planet’s size and mass determines its gravitational pull. A planet’s mass and size determines how strong its gravitational pull is. Models can help us experiment with the motions of objects in space, which are determined by the gravitational pull between them.

What would be the value of acceleration due to gravity of a planet of mass 3?

g= 6.7 × 10^-22×3.2^-2.

What is the relationship between mass and diameter of a planet?

The mass and diameter of a planet have twice the value of the corresponding parameters of earth. Acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the planet is

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What is the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of planet?

The mass and diameter of a planet are 3 times that of the earth, what is the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of planet (given ‘g’ on the surface of earth is 9.8m/s-2 ). Please log in or register to add a comment.

Can a planet have mass five times that of the Earth?

Physics: A planet has mass five times that of the Earth and radius three times that of the Earth. Can you calculate its acceleration due to gravity? Originally Answered: A planet has mass five times of earth and radius three times of earth .calculate its acceleration due to gravity?

What is the density of a planet with a diameter 3x the diameter?

If it’s 3 x the diameter, that makes for 27x the volume, but only 3x the mass of Earth. So 1/9th of the density. Density of Earth = 5.51g/cm3. So density of this hypothetical planet is 0.61 g/cm3. So this planet is more like Saturn than anything else. Gravity would pull you down, but there would be only gas and then liquid under you.