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Do you think education is still important in our society nowadays?

Do you think education is still important in our society nowadays?

It helps people become better citizens, get a better-paid job, shows the difference between good and bad. Education shows us the importance of hard work and, at the same time, helps us grow and develop. Thus, we are able to shape a better society to live in by knowing and respecting rights, laws, and regulations.

What is the benefit of education to society?

An educated person has a better chance of getting a higher paying job. For instance, earnings increase by approximately 10 percent with each additional year of schooling. Higher education allows people to specialize in certain fields, thereby opening numerous earning opportunities.

How the pandemic will change education?

The COVID-19 pandemic created challenges for every learner, but according to some estimates, students of color could be 6 to 12 months behind, compared with White students, who are 4 to 8 months behind. Some students missed days, even weeks, of distance learning as they scrambled to find devices and connectivity.

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What is the relationship between education and society?

Education is a sub-system of the society. It is related to other sub-systems. Various institutions or sub-systems are a social system because they are interrelated. Education as a sub-system performs certain functions for the society as whole. There are also functional relations between education and other sub-systems.

How can education change the world?

Educating members of society about other people who either live in the society or its neighboring states have the power to reduce many conflicts. Education has the power to help societies, and the world in general, change for the better. According to Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

How does education promote tolerance in society?

Education helps promote tolerance in a society and helps reduce common conflicts between diverse populations in an urban setting. Helen Keller said that “The highest result of education is tolerance.”. Educating members of society about other people who either live in the society or its neighboring states have the power to reduce many conflicts.

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How does education affect geopolitically stable society?

Education is needed to make a society geopolitically stable. Without a proper educational system available to everyone, terrorists could use free education as a way to radicalize people. In other words, geopolitical stability is one of education’s most powerful effects on society. Education leads to economic prosperity in the global marketplace.