Useful tips

How long does it take to become a chief petty officer in the Coast Guard?

How long does it take to become a chief petty officer in the Coast Guard?

Chief Petty Officer (E-7) Moving from an E-6 to an E-7 requires 24 months of TIG. Also, the same requirements regarding schools for the rating, recommendations, and service-wide scores apply.

What rank are you when you graduate Coast Guard bootcamp?

When you graduate from the program, you’ll receive a commission in the Coast Guard at the rank of ensign (O-1), and will be required to serve a minimum of three years on active-duty. You may be assigned to a ship, flight training, a staff job, or to an operations billet ashore.

Can you quit Coast Guard bootcamp?

Originally Answered: What happens if you quit military boot camp? You do not have the option to quit. You will undergo remedial training designed to motivate you to succeed.

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What happens after basic training Coast Guard?

After boot camp You will then be recalled and report directly to your first assignment. Assignments in the Coast Guard are filled with priority given to operational duties. Operations Ashore officers take care of vessel inspections, port safety, marine safety and waterways operations and management.

Do you salute Chief Petty Officer?

Do not salute noncommissioned officers or petty officers. One of the most important of military courtesies is the salute. It is a respectful greeting, a sign of recognition between military persons. It is that, and no more.

How bad is Coast Guard boot camp?

Coast Guard basic training is intense and challenging like every other branch of the military. It’s difficult to say one type of military service basic training is harder than the other branch. However, many agree that Coast Guard boot camp ranks among the most demanding, especially because of the swimming elements.

Does the Coast Guard have the hardest boot camp?

While it may not be as physically demanding as the Marines, it is difficult enough that it has the highest failure to complete rate of any of the services at roughly 20\% When you consider that the USCG has the highest minimum standards for enlisting, perhaps USCG boot camp is in fact the most difficult.

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Is Coast Guard boot camp the hardest?

How do I train for Coast Guard boot camp?

As with any military service, your journey begins at basic training….Physical Fitness

  1. 29 push-ups in 60 seconds.
  2. 38 sit-ups in 60 seconds.
  3. Run 1.5 miles in under 12:51.
  4. Sit and Reach 16.50″
  5. Complete a swim circuit.
  6. Tread water for 5 minutes.
  7. Jump off a 6-foot platform and swim 100 meters.

What are the three do’s of the courtesy of the cadet?

As an ROTC Cadet, you acknowledge your place in the profession of arms through your crisp, professional exercise of customs and courtesies—smartly saluting, properly reporting, and otherwise showing appropriate signs of honor and respect.

What is the training like at USCG boot camp?

The training at USCG boot camp picks up during week two. Training consists of early morning workouts and a swim assessment. Recruits also get to meet a Company Mentor who serves more like a friend than the Company Commander.

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Where does Coast Guard basic training take place?

The U.S. Coast Guard has basic training, or boot camp, like any other military branch. Basic training lasts eight weeks at the Coast Guard Training Center in Cape May, New Jersey. Coast Guard Basic Training is conducted in Cape May, NJ. Image: Google Maps

Where is Coast Guard boot camp in New Jersey?

Coast Guard boot camp is held at U.S. Coast Guard Training Center Cape May. Cape May is located on the eastern coast of New Jersey. Recruits are able to receive letters throughout boot camp, it is highly encouraged to send them motivation and support as they embark on this journey. Get the mailing address for Coast Guard Boot Camp.

When can you fire a 9mm in the Coast Guard?

The Coast Guard allows recruits to fire a 9mm handgun for the first time during week four. It’s an exciting time during boot camp which otherwise represents a difficult week of training. The Coast Guard test recruits to meet the physical fitness standards of the military branch (see table above).