
Would hyperspace ramming work?

Would hyperspace ramming work?

Hyperspace ramming is physically impossible in Star Wars. It’s like trying to hit a beam of light with a baseball bat and expecting the light beam to break. I repeat, hyperspace ramming is impossible. That is a fact, the same as 2+2=4.

Can hyperspace be used as a weapon?

If hyperspace can be used as a weapon, they can practically blow up anything with unlimited range and with vastly more power than the short range blaster tech they usually use. A big enough torpedo with a hyperspace drive could blow up a planet, or the death star, or anything really.

What is the Holdo maneuver?

The Holdo maneuver was a suicidal tactic akin to ramming named after Resistance Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo. One year after the Battle of Crait, Beaumont Kin proposed to use the Holdo maneuver against the Sith Eternal’s Final Order fleet, but the former stormtrooper Finn dismissed it as a “one-in-a-million” shot.

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What is Star Wars Hyperspace?

In Star Wars, hyperspace is extra-dimensional space through which ships can travel so as to move across the galaxy faster than would be allowed by traveling through real space. In order to do this, a ship must be equipped with a hyperdrive.

What is light skipping Star Wars?

Hyperspace skipping, also known as lightspeed skipping, was a technique that could be used to quickly jump to hyperspace in a starship. However, hyperspace skipping was dangerous, and could put undue stress on the ship, as well as place it in a dangerous location when it exited lightspeed.

What was the ultimate weapon in the Clone Wars?

Death Star The Death Star
The Death Star was the Empire’s ultimate weapon: a moon-sized space station with the ability to destroy an entire planet.

Where does the term hyperspace come from?

It is related to the concept of four-dimensional space, first described in the 19th century. Its use in science fiction originated in the magazine Amazing Stories Quarterly around the 1930s. It is typically described as an alternative “sub-region” of space co-existing with our own universe.

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What did Admiral Holdo do?

Amilyn Holdo was a human female politician, military commander, and freedom fighter who served in both the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Resistance. Holdo served then-General Organa during the Cold War as a vice admiral of the Resistance fleet, undertaking clandestine missions to prepare for open war.

Is a hyperdrive possible?

While wormholes are certainly a possibility, a more realistic action would be for NASA to further develop and enhance technology that allows things like probes, and even space ships to accelerate at a rate that is much faster than currently possible. So, for now, achieving hyperdrive is not possible.

Why is hyperspace ramming not a standard weapon in Star Wars?

The consensus is that hyperspace ramming is not a standard weapon because; Doing so guarantees the loss of the ship the maneuver is preformed with, and any personal onboard. That is not an acceptable loss, especially not for heroes in Star Wars who often have ships in short supply.

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Why can’t we launch hyperspace missiles into planets?

The reason hyperspace missiles could not be launched into planets was because gravitational fields disrupt hyperdrives. It’s why hyperspace routes are carefully designed to avoid black holes. As such, we know that, at minimum, planet-sized objects are protected from hyperdrive missiles by their gravitational fields.

What happens when a hyperdrive hits a mass shadow?

When a hyperdrive encounters said mass shadow, it reverts out that alternate dimension back into realspace. Hyperspace ramming is impossible because the ship would just pass by their intended target in hyperspace and keep on going. It’s be like running through a beam of light and expecting the light to stop you in your tracks.