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Has there ever been a war with 3 sides?

Has there ever been a war with 3 sides?

You should consider the Bosnian war (in Yugoslavia) in the 1990s, there were basically three factions fighting each other: the Orthodox Christian Serbs (Serbia), the Catholic Croats (Croatia) and the Slavic Muslims (Bosnia). The war was three-sided from 1992 to 1994, and two-sided in 1995-1996.

What were the 3 wars?

The Revolutionary War, War of 1812, and Civil War are each important enough to study in isolation from each other, but there is also value in looking at the broad trends across all three.

What is a 3 way fight called?

The trope name comes from the French phrase “Ménage à trois”, which basically means a threesome. Melee, although that trope appears quite prominently in that series as a whole. Compare Gambit Pileup, which is like this trope but with gambits instead of fights.

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What year was World War 2?

September 1, 1939 – September 2, 1945
World War II/Periods

What happened in the 7 year war?

The Seven Years’ War, a global conflict known in America as the French and Indian War, officially begins when England declares war on France. In the Treaty of Paris, France lost all claims to Canada and gave Louisiana to Spain, while Britain received Spanish Florida, Upper Canada, and various French holdings overseas.

Has there ever been a 4 way war?

Yes, the most famous but least apparently known was the American War of Independence:- Great Britain Versus the American Rebels, the French Empire, Spanish Empire and the Dutch Empire. Yes, there were many. There were even four-sided wars. For example: the situation in Western Ukraine in 1943.

What was the last pitched battle?

The last ever pitched battle to be fought on British soil took place on 16th April 1746 on Drummossie Moor, overlooking Inverness.

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What started WW 1?

World War I began after the assassination of Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand by South Slav nationalist Gavrilo Princip on June 28, 1914.

What was the biggest multiple side war in history?

The biggest multiple side war was probably World War II. Biggest in all respects, including the number of sides. Soviet Union started the war on the side of Germany; they jointly invaded Poland, and Soviet Union helped Germany against the allies. Then Soviet Union started its own war with Finland.

How many sides were there in the Korean War?

The war was three-sided from 1992 to 1994, and two-sided in 1995-1996. You can see that even the table of belligerents in the Wikipedia lists three sides. The second Sino-Japanese War and the Chinese Civil War may be a good example.

Who were the two sides in the Bosnian War?

You should consider the Bosnian war (in Yugoslavia) in the 1990s, there were basically three factions fighting each other: the Orthodox Christian Serbs (Serbia), the Catholic Croats (Croatia) and the Slavic Muslims (Bosnia). The war was three-sided from 1992 to 1994, and two-sided in 1995-1996.

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How many sides were there in the Kuruksetra War?

There were 3 sides, The Pala rulers from Bengal, the Gurjara Pratihara of Rajasthan and West, and The Rashtrakuta, from South Or Deccan. The war continued for more than 3 generations on each side.