
What is the relationship between machine language and assembly language?

What is the relationship between machine language and assembly language?

Machine language is series of bit patterns (that is the binary form) that are directly executed by a computer, whereas Assembly language is a low-level language that needs compiler and interpreter, which converts that language to machine language. And then it could be understood by a computer.

Is microcode an assembly?

Microcode. Micro-code is the instructions at the lowest level, closest to the hardware. Any higher-level instructions (including assembly/machine language) must be converted to a lower level. A single machine-language instruction (like Load Accumulator A) typically consists of several micro-code instructions.

What do you mean by machine and assembly language give example of each?

Machine language is the low level programming language. Machine language can only be represented by 0s and 1s. Assembly languages use numbers, symbols, and abbreviations instead of 0s and 1s. For example: For addition, subtraction and multiplications it uses symbols likes Add, sub and Mul, etc.

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What is the relationship between a high-level language and machine language?

High-level language programs must be translated into machine language before they can be executed. (Machine language instructions are encoded as binary numbers that are meant to be used by a machine, not read or written by people. High-level languages use a syntax that is closer to human language.)

How does assembly language gets translated into machine language in microprocessor?

The Assembler (a program) translates assembly code into machine code. Assembler language is just a more readable version of machine language (machine language in symbolic form instead of binary form). You write Assembly code; Assembler translates it into machine code; Control unit runs machine code.

What is microcode language?

Microcode is the result of lower-level machine language interpretation. It manages hardware resources at the register or circuitry level. Machine language interprets and sends machine instructions to the lowest hardware layer level where they are translated into small micro programs called microcodes.

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What is a Microinstruction give a example?

A single instruction in microcode. It is the most elementary instruction in the computer, such as moving the contents of a register to the arithmetic logic unit (ALU). For example, although all are x86 chips, the microcode for Intel’s Pentium 4, Pentium M and AMD’s Athlon are not the same.

What type of language is assembly language?

An assembly language is a type of low-level programming language that is intended to communicate directly with a computer’s hardware. Unlike machine language, which consists of binary and hexadecimal characters, assembly languages are designed to be readable by humans.

What is a machine structure and explain machine and assembly language?

Machine structure shows how data is represented at the machine level. Assembly language is how code is represented at the machine level.

What is the relationship between high-level language and computer architecture?

Associated with each programming language is a computer architecture that executes programs in that language. If the language is a low-level instruction set, the associated computer architecture is a low-level von Neumann architecture; if the language is high-level, the associated architecture is high-level.

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What is the difference between assembly language and assembly machine code?

Machine code consists of binaries, which are zeros and ones. Assembly language, on the other hand, follows a syntax similar to the English Language.

Why do we use assembly language in embedded systems?

In this, the programmer should have a good understanding of the computer architecture and register structure to write programs in Assembly. Then, an assembler converts the assembly language program into machine code. Hence, this language is more useful for building real-time, embedded systems.

Is Assembly a high level language?

Assembly language is closer to the hardware level. Therefore, it is considered a low-level language. In this, the programmer should have a good understanding of the computer architecture and register structure to write programs in Assembly. Then, an assembler converts the assembly language program into machine code.

What is microcode in computer architecture?

In processor design, Microcode is a technique that interposes a layer of computer organization between the CPU hardware and the programmer-visible instruction set architecture of the computer.