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Should you remove dead code?

Should you remove dead code?

Dead code happens in even the best codebases. The larger the project, the more dead code you’ll have. But not doing something about it when you find dead code is a sign of failure. When you discover code that is not being used, or find a code path that cannot be executed, remove that unnecessary code.

What is the reason for not to refactor codes?

Whenever you’re making changes to existing code, even as a clean-up project, it can affect testing outcomes. Changes in classification done during refactoring can cause old tests to fail. In addition, new tests may have to be created for outdated legacy software systems.

When should a code be refactored?

Experts say that the goal of code refactoring is to turn dirty code into clean code, which reduces a project’s overall technical debt. Dirty code is an informal term that refers to any code that is hard to maintain and update, and even more difficult to understand and translate.

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How do you clean dead code?

The quickest way to find dead code is to use a good IDE.

  1. Delete unused code and unneeded files.
  2. In the case of an unnecessary class, Inline Class or Collapse Hierarchy can be applied if a subclass or superclass is used.
  3. To remove unneeded parameters, use Remove Parameter.

What is the difference between dead code and unreachable code?

unreachable code is something that would never be executed because there is no flow control to reach the code. A dead code is something that gets (or might get) executed, but its results are never used.

Is removing code refactoring?

Code refactoring is not just a bug-removal process. Its main purpose is to improve readability and systematically boost application code performance. And even though the primary intention of code refactoring isn’t to reduce or eliminate bugs, it does help prevent bugs in the long run.

When should refactoring not be done?

General logic based on this: If points 1-5 are all true, don’t refactor. If any of points 2, 3, or 5 are false for multiple reasons (for example, multiple bugs would be fixed or multiple features would be easier to implement), count them as false once for each reason they are false.

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How long does it take to refactor code?

In practice, most times you look at your code and you’re happy with it or there’s a small refactor, like extracting a method, which takes a minute or two of your time. On rare occasions, a significant refactoring becomes apparent and takes up 20 – 30 minutes of your time.

Which event is used for cleanup code?

Press Ctrl+E C or choose ReSharper | Edit | Cleanup Code… from the main menu.

What is difference between redundant code and dead code?

Dead code exists when, for example, the result of a function is never used. Redundant code exists when several lines of code do the same thing. Unnecessary code occurs when, for example, a query is formulated in such a way that the result is always true.

Is “code cleanup” a lot of work?

“Code cleanup” is a phrase that sounds like it’s a lot of work. Well, sometimes it may be an arduous task, indeed. But that doesn’t mean it’s the way it should be.

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What happens when you leave dead code in a program?

Dead code needs to be found and removed; leaving dead code in is an obstacle to programmer understanding and action, and there’s the risk that the code is awakened which can cause significant problems. Deleting dead code is not a technical problem; it is a problem of mindset and culture, argued Kevlin Henney.

Is there a universal standard for clean coding?

These things change from language to language and there is no universal standard. Clean coding is not a skill that can be acquired overnight. It is a habit that needs to be developed by keeping these principles in mind and applying them whenever you write code.

How do I clean up code in the Solution Explorer?

Select one or more items in the Solution Explorer to clean up code in files under these items and their child items. Choose Code | Code Cleanup in the main menu. In the Code Cleanup dialog that opens, choose the scope for cleaning code and a cleanup profile. Click OK to clean code in the selected scope.