
What does it mean for time to be a dimension?

What does it mean for time to be a dimension?

“The definition of time as a numerical order of change in space is replacing the 106-year-old concept of time as a physical dimension in which change runs,” Sorli said. “We consider time being only a mathematical quantity of change that we measure with clocks. This is in accord with a Gödel view of time.

Is time different from other dimensions?

Yes it is, time is changing all the time, where as it has no effect on the standard three-dimensions. If you changed one of the three, one of the other two will change accordingly. Time is a numerical expression used to describe when an event has, is or going to happen, and expressed as a dimension.

Which theory of time treats time like a dimension of reality?

Einstein’s general theory of relativity treats time as a dimension on par with the three spatial dimensions; in general relativity, space and time are not modeled as separate entities but are instead unified to a four-dimensional (4D) spacetime.

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Is time a dimension or measure?

Time is not a dimension, the theory of special relativity merely treats any one clock-time as a dimension of an abstract construct called Minkowski space. Minkowski space is NOT the affine space you live in with an added fourth dimension.

What is the difference between time and space?

There are two ways that time, as a dimension, is different from space. The first way is a small one: you can’t put space (which is a measurement of distance) and time (which is a measurement of, well, time) on the same footing without some way to convert one to the other.

Is time the best dimension to play as?

Time is just as good a dimension as space is, as no matter how you boost yourself through space, you must always move forward through time.

Why do we need a third spatial dimension?

If subterranean locations or locations above the surface are allowed, a third spatial dimension is required as well. Human beings, for the most part, live only on the surface of the Earth. When we want to describe where we’re located, we typically only have to give two coordinates: a latitude and longitude.

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What is the difference between time and distance?

Distances along your direction-of-motion will contract down to zero; you’d traverse them instantaneously. Similarly, time will dilate to infinity; your journey will take zero time from your perspective.