
Are computer programmers lazy?

Are computer programmers lazy?

It seems to defy all logic, but the best programmers have two usually undesirable traits: They’re lazy and dumb. Lazy, because only a lazy programmer will avoid writing monotonous, repetitive code—thus avoiding redundancy, the enemy of software maintenance and flexible refactoring.

Can I automate everything?

Unfortunately, you can’t automate everything. Some processes still require good old fashioned decision-making and human intuition. In fact for most companies, it’s that very same human intuition that provides a competitive advantage.

What can I automate at work?

12 Things You’re Doing Every Day that Can Be Automated

  • Creating a Presentation in 1… 2…
  • Email-Free, Team-Focused Communication.
  • If You Can’t Say Goodbye to Emails Though…
  • Still Posting to Social Media Sites Manually?
  • Let the News Come to You.
  • Computer Back-Ups.
  • Scanning Documents.
  • Self-Updating Contact Book.
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What tasks should you automate?

14 Business Tasks That Can Be Automated

  • Scheduling appointments.
  • Master your to-do-list.
  • Sorting and responding to emails.
  • Posting to social media.
  • Filling out online forms.
  • Data back-up.
  • Recruiting and hiring.
  • Creating proposals.

What does lazy mean in programming?

In a nutshell, “lazy” means to defer an action until it becomes necessary, if ever. If the result of the action is never used, the action will never be carried out, saving some work.

What jobs Cannot be automated?

Their best answers are below.

  1. Law Enforcement. Policing should never be automated since artificial intelligence systems and robots can be compromised.
  2. Customer Service.
  3. Strategic Decision-Making.
  4. Cybersecurity.
  5. Creative Work.
  6. Writing And Editing.
  7. Jobs That Require Empathy.
  8. The Military And Politics.

What should be not automated?

Tests that should not be automated: User experience tests for usability (tests that require a user to respond as to how easy the app is to use). Tests that you will only run one-time. Tests that require ad hoc/random testing based on domain knowledge/expertise. Tests without predictable results.

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What is an example of task that could be automated?

If your company has a blog, most blogging sites, such as WordPress, offer an option to schedule posts in advance. Just as with your social media system, you can then write numerous blog posts one day every month and set them up to be released automatically.

How can I automate more of my work?

Here are six ways to automate simple work tasks:

  1. Sort and respond to emails.
  2. Proofread your work in real time.
  3. Save time scouring the news.
  4. Leverage AI to schedule meetings for you.
  5. Create custom automation rules.
  6. Build custom workflows for repetitive computer tasks.