
How much were the Greeks outnumbered by the Persians?

How much were the Greeks outnumbered by the Persians?


City Number of hoplites
Sicyon 3,000
Troezen 1,000
Arcadian Orchomenans Arcadians 600
Aegina 500

How did the Persian Empire affect ancient Greece?

After initial Persian victories, the Persians were eventually defeated, both at sea and on land. The wars with the Persians had a great effect on ancient Greeks. The Athenian Acropolis was destroyed by the Persians, but the Athenian response was to build the beautiful buildings whose ruins we can still see today.

How was Greek culture different from Persian culture?

Unlike the Greeks, the Persians avoided animal sacrifice. There was freedom of religion the the empire. Persia was a monarchy (ruled by kings). Greece was made up of independent city-states who had different types of government.

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Did Persia take over Greece?

In 480 BC, Xerxes personally led the second Persian invasion of Greece with one of the largest ancient armies ever assembled. Victory over the allied Greek states at the famous Battle of Thermopylae allowed the Persians to torch an evacuated Athens and overrun most of Greece.

Which Persian leader do you think made the biggest contribution Why?

Although Darius consolidated and added to the conquests of his predecessors, it was as an administrator that he made his greatest contribution to Persian history. He completed the organization of the empire into satrapies, initiated by Cyrus the Great, and fixed the annual tribute due from each province.

What is the main culture in Greece?

98\% of the Greeks are Christian Orthodox. The rest of the population are Muslims, Roman Catholics, and Jewish. Greece and Russia are the only countries to have such a big proportion of Orthodox Christians. The Orthodox Church forms the third largest branch of Christianity, after the Roman Catholic and the Protestant.

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Are Persians and Greek same?

To sum up, yes, Persian and Greeks, and the rest of the original inhabitants of Europe, are distant cousins, not only DNA-wise but also linguistically and culturally.

How did the ancient Persian and Greek cultures influence Greece?

The ancient Persian and Greek cultures did not exist in isolation. There was cross-fertilization. The present article describes several aspects of Persia’s influence on Greece.

Is Greece eastern or Persian in origin?

Greece was born out of Eastern influence. If it had not been close to the great centers of civilization in Egypt, Mesopotamia and the Levant it wouldn’t have amounted to much. As Niko Vasileas has pointed out in his answer it is really difficult to differentiate which elements are “Eastern” and which are “Persian”.

What did the Persians think of the Greeks and their horses?

Greeks found it exceedingly strange. For horsemen such as the Persians had long been pants made a lot of sense. Persians thought the free-wheeling littoral settlement patterns of the Greeks to be odd. Their culture was politically disunited, separated as communities were by expanses of water and mountains.

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How were the Greeks different from the Persians in terms of Science?

Greeks were far more individualistic than the Persians. They tended to question everything and anything (including authority and hierarchy) and their constant searching brought great advances in all scientific disciplines. Persians believed in order and stability (you had to have it in an empire)…