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Why do you think Persia helped Sparta?

Why do you think Persia helped Sparta?

Sparta also sponsored another Egyptian revolt against Persians. So Persia then for change supported Thebes against Sparta when they started the Corinthian war. So answer is, Persia helped Sparta because that’s what empires do – waging proxy wars and keeping their enemies divided.

How did Persia help Sparta in the Peloponnesian War?

Persia also made overtures to Sparta, offering money with which to build a fleet that could challenge Athens in return for Sparta recognising Persian sovereignty in Asia Minor. The War was finally won by Sparta, then, and perhaps ironically, in a naval battle.

How did Sparta win against Athens?

Finally, in 405 BC, at the Battle of Aegospotami , Lysander captured the Athenian fleet in the Hellespont. Lysander then sailed to Athens and closed off the Port of Piraeus. Athens was forced to surrender, and Sparta won the Peloponnesian War in 404 BC.

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How did Persia affect the war between Athens and Sparta?

Beginning in 449 BCE, the Persians attempted to aggravate the growing tensions between Athens and Sparta, and would even bribe politicians to achieve these aims. Their strategy was to keep the Greeks distracted with in-fighting, so as to stop the tide of counterattacks reaching the Persian Empire.

Did Sparta ally with Persia defeat Athens?

Achaemenid support for Sparta (414–404 BC) From 414 BC, Darius II, ruler of the Achaemenid Empire had started to resent increasing Athenian power in the Aegean and had his satrap Tissaphernes enter into an alliance with Sparta against Athens, which in 412 BC led to the Persian reconquest of the greater part of Ionia.

Did the Spartans beat Persia?

Although the Greeks finally beat the Persians in the Battle of Platea in 479 B.C., thus ending the Greco-Persian Wars, many scholars attribute the eventual Greek success over the Persians to the Spartans’ defense at Thermopylae.

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Why did Athens lose to Sparta?

Under the Spartan general Lysander, the war raged for another decade. By in 405 B.C. Lysander decimated the Athenian fleet in battle and then held Athens under siege, forcing it to surrender to Sparta in 404 B.C.

Did Sparta and Athens fight?

The Peloponnesian War was a war fought in ancient Greece between Athens and Sparta—the two most powerful city-states in ancient Greece at the time (431 to 405 B.C.E.). This war shifted power from Athens to Sparta, making Sparta the most powerful city-state in the region. This eventually drew Sparta into the conflict.