
What has Russia contributed to the world?

What has Russia contributed to the world?

The invention of the radio as we know it was a complicated process involving many people, but a crucial discovery in that chain of events was made by Russian physicist Alexander Popov. He constructed a radio receiver capable of receiving the radio signal from a long distance (up to 210 km away).

Is Russia expanding its military?

Russia is enacting its own strategic Zapad (“West”) 2021 exercises in September 2021, together with Belarus. As an “additional” countermeasure, Shoigu announced the deployment of “some 20 major military units in the Western Military District [Zapadny Voyenny Okrug—ZVO] before the end of 2021” (, May 31).

What does the Russian military use?


Weapon Caliber Country
AKM modernized AK-47 7.62×39mm Soviet Union
AK-74 5.45×39mm Soviet Union
AK-74M modernized AK-74 5.45×39mm Soviet Union Russia
AN-94 / Nikonov Assault Rifle 5.45×39mm Russia
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How good is Russian technology?

{W}hile not America’s equal militarily, Russia is still a solid second in terms of defense technology, outranking both Western Europe and China and punching well above its economic weight.

When did the Russian space program began?

Soviet space program

Космическая программа СССР Kosmicheskaya programma SSSR
Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin in Sweden, the first man in space
First flight Sputnik 1 October 4, 1957–January 4, 1958
First crewed flight Vostok 1 April 12, 1961
Last flight December 1991

How effective is Russia’s military?

The Russian Armed Forces are the world’s second-most powerful military, owning the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons in the world. The military budget of the Russian Federation was $61.7 billion in 2020–21, the fourth-highest in the world.

How big is Russia’s military?

roughly one million
The Russian military has roughly one million active-duty military personnel and as many as two million reserve forces, according to

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What are the projects of the Soviet space program?

The Soviet space program’s projects include: 1 Almaz space stations 2 Cosmos satellites 3 Energia 4 Foton 5 Luna Moon flybys, orbiters, impacts, landers, rovers, sample returns 6 Mars probe program 7 Meteor meteorological satellites 8 Molniya communications satellites 9 Mir space station 10 Proton satellites

Who was the main driver of the Soviet space program?

This Soviet achievement was based on a strong dedication and strict coordination of all military entities, with Dmitry Ustinov and Sergei Korolev as the main drivers. The Soviet space program was tied to the USSR’s Five-Year Plans and from the start was reliant on support from the Soviet military.

What was the German impact on the Soviet rocketry and space program?

For political reasons, however, the German impact on the Soviet rocketry and space program has long been underestimated. The almost eight years of involvement of the German scientists in the Soviet rocketry program proved to be an essential catalyst to its further advancement.

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Who invented the atomic bomb in the Soviet Union?

“Chief Designer” Sergei Korolev (left), with the “father of the Soviet atomic bomb” Igor Kurchatov, and “Chief Theoretician” Mstislav Keldysh in 1956. The Soviet space program was tied to the USSR’s Five-Year Plans and from the start was reliant on support from the Soviet military.