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Is it okay to skip Boruto fillers?

Is it okay to skip Boruto fillers?

These are the ones that fans can take or leave. These filler episodes do not add much value to the anime plot, although the creators of the show stated that Boruto does not have any fillers at all and that it is all canon.

Is the filler in Boruto worth watching?

Yes, Boruto is worth watching but with exceptions, because Boruto’s anime has both anime canon and manga canon, in addition to filler and mixed canon/filler episodes. If you aren’t familiar with canon, it basically means that these episodes are essential as they are part of the official storyline.

Is it OK to skip fillers in anime?

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in addition, Is it OK to skip filler in anime? Only filler episodes should be skipped. Although fillers are very bad most times but some are really good as well like G8 arc (196- 206) so u can watch it but still if u skip them there won’t be anything you will miss in main storyline.

Will I miss anything if I skip Naruto fillers?

You won’t miss anything by skipping all the Naruto filler episodes. The only filler in that large span of fillers I legitimately enjoyed was the very last filler adventure, episodes 216-220.

What arcs can I skip in Boruto?

Boruto: 5 Essential Anime Arcs (& 5 That Can Be Skipped)

  1. 1 CAN SKIP: The Chocho Arc Is Entirely Non-Canon.
  2. 2 ESSENTIAL: The Kawaki Arc Is One Of The Most Important Parts Of The Story.
  3. 3 CAN SKIP: The Timeslip Arc Has Little To Do With The Threat At Hand.
  4. 4 ESSENTIAL: The Ao Arc Reveals The True Threat Of Kara.
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What episode does Boruto get good?

The Boruto fan community seems to share a similar sentiment on when the show begins to get good, with most suggesting that from the Chunin Exam arc onward, it only improves. If you had to select a single episode to begin watching from, episode 50 is likely the best place to hop in, as it’s all uphill from there.

Should I watch fillers in Naruto?

Only filler episodes should be skipped. Although fillers are very bad most times but some are really good as well like G8 arc (196- 206) so u can watch it but still if u skip them there won’t be anything you will miss in main storyline.

Are Naruto Shippuden fillers important?

“Naruto Shippuden” Episodes 144 to 151 follow a filler arc with little to no impact on the main story, but of all the filler arcs, this is one of the most interesting. The main storyline is about a forbidden jutsu that can destroy whole villages. It is strangely reminiscent of an atomic bomb.

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Is it OK to skip Naruto and watch Shippuden?

No , you should watch Naruto before watching Naruto Shippuden because Naruto Shippuden is sequel to Naruto , and to understand each character you have to watch Naruto.