What food is highest in selenium?

What food is highest in selenium?

Brazil nuts, seafoods, and organ meats are the richest food sources of selenium [1]. Other sources include muscle meats, cereals and other grains, and dairy products. The amount of selenium in drinking water is not nutritionally significant in most geographic regions [2,6].

What vegetables are high in selenium?

Brocolli and other healthy Vegetables, too, can provide some of your daily selenium. Some other good examples of good sources: spinach, green peas, beans, and potatoes. Vegans and vegetarians can take advantage of this.

What is the best form of selenium to take?

Inorganic selenite also has pro-oxidant properties that can result in toxic effects when present in excess. All forms of selenium are well absorbed, but absorption of selenomethionine is the best.

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How much selenium is in an egg?

One large egg can add about 28\% of your daily selenium requirement. Most of this content is concentrated in the egg’s yolk. However, the egg whites have about 9 micrograms of selenium, which is a great option for people watching their cholesterol intake.

Is broccoli a selenium?

Selenium Content A 1-cup serving of chopped, raw broccoli contains 2.3 micrograms of selenium, or about 4 percent of the recommended daily allowance of selenium for adults.

What foods are high in selenium and zinc?

Brazil nuts. Seafood, including crab, salmon, tuna and prawns. White meat and poultry like turkey and chicken. Grains like brown rice and lentils.

Does banana contain selenium?

Bananas. One cup of chopped banana offers 2 mcg of selenium, or 3 percent of your daily recommended intake.

What food has the highest selenium?

Foods high in selenium include Brazil nuts, tuna, oysters, pork, beef, chicken, tofu, whole wheat pasta, shrimp, and mushrooms.

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What foods have high selenium content?

Brazil nuts, seafoods, and organ meats are the richest food sources of selenium [ 1 ]. Other sources include muscle meats, cereals and other grains, and dairy products. The amount of selenium in drinking water is not nutritionally significant in most geographic regions [ 2, 6 ].

What vegetables are rich in vitamin E selenium?


  • Other Leafy Green Vegetables
  • Asparagus
  • Butternut Squash
  • Broccoli
  • Sweet Potato
  • Oregano
  • Basil
  • Parsley