
Did God create Hell?

Did God create Hell?

Question: “Did God create hell?”. Answer: Hell is a place of suffering originally prepared by God for the devil and his angels (Matthew 18:9; 25:41). The words Hades (Greek) and Sheol (Hebrew) are sometimes associated with hell. However, Hades/Sheol is simply the place or realm where the spirits of people go when they die (see Genesis 37:35).

Is it possible to avoid hell?

The good news is that people can avoid hell. God, in His infinite mercy and love, has made a way of salvation for everyone who trusts in God’s Son, Jesus Christ ( John 3:16, 36; 5:24 ). Did God create hell? Get our Questions of the Week delivered right to your inbox!

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What is hell about?

This is what hell is about. Hell was not an invention of God. Rather, according to Pope John Paul II in a 1999 audience, “It is not a punishment imposed externally by God but a development of premises already set by people in this life.” Hell, in other words, proceeds from the very nature of mortal sin.

Does hell come from the nature of sin?

Rather, according to Pope John Paul II in a 1999 audience, “It is not a punishment imposed externally by God but a development of premises already set by people in this life.” Hell, in other words, proceeds from the very nature of mortal sin.

Is God involved in the creation of life?

This is not to say that God is not involved at all in the creation of life. The Bible says that once a new human life is made God creates a spirit within the fetus 1 and knows us at that point, even calling some to serve Him from the womb. 2 The third incorrect assumption is that a person destined for hell has no purpose in this life.

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What are some incorrect assumptions about why people go to Hell?

The first, and most prevalent, incorrect assumption is that a person who is destined for hell has been predestined for hell by God. This is false. People choose to go to hell rather than submit their lives to God.


Why did God send Satan to the Earth?

Question: Why did God send Satan to earth? Answer: God sent Satan to earth because he rebelled against God and caused a third of the angels in heaven also to rebel. Jesus said in Luke 10:18, “And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven”.

Did God know that Satan would rebel and fall from heaven?

So, if God knew that Satan would rebel and fall from heaven, yet He created him anyway, it must mean that the fall of Satan was part of God’s sovereign plan from the beginning. No other answer makes sense given what we’ve seen thus far. First, we should understand that knowing Satan would rebel is not the same thing as making Satan rebel.

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What does the Bible say about the Devil’s fall from grace?

Jesus confirms the devil’s fall from grace and likened it to lightning from heaven ( Luke 10:18 ), and the Apostle Peter alluded to the devil’s fall when he warned that God did not spare even the angels when they sinned but cast them into hell ( 2 Peter 2:4 ).