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Why dont Jedi use the Force on Sith?

Why dont Jedi use the Force on Sith?

You see, it was not the purpose of the Jedi. They did not want to cause harm. Instead, they used the Force as a defensive power. Instead of inflicting pain to their opponent, they gracefully waited for the Sith to aggressively attack them.

Are Jedi allowed to force choke?

Originally Answered: Can Jedi use the force choke? Generally, its used by the Sith. However, despite their strict adherence to the light side of the force, several jedi were known to use this power, as although it is considered a dark side ability, it is also a technique of telekinesis.

Why don’t they force crush Grievous?

Grievous’s attacks are so fast that Jedi need to use all their power on force augmentation, the only way they could possibly keep up.

Can Jedi use the Force in battle?

The Jedi, however, don’t really use the Force to its full potential in combat, mostly grabbing a dropped weapon or knocking over battle droids. There’s been many times that I’ve yelled “Use the Force!” while watching the Clone Wars series.

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Could KYLO Ren use force lightning?

While Kylo Ren couldn’t use Force lightning in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (whether by choice or lack of training), it was most likely Rey’s Palpatine ancestry dark ancestry that allowed her to conjure it.

Why couldn’t Obi-Wan Use the Force on Grievous?

Originally Answered: Why didn’t Obi-Wan use more force powers when he fought General Grievous? Simply because Force abilities and powers aren’t his strengths. Obi-Wan’s greatest strengths are his defensive lightsaber skills (he is the master of Form III) and his patience.

Why does General grievous not have red lightsabers?

Since Jedi usually have green or blue lightsabers, Grievous’s collection would have only comprised of green and blue lightsabers. General Grievous wasn’t a Sith. He wasn’t even force sensitive. So no red lightsaber.