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Are ENTPs and INTPs similar?

Are ENTPs and INTPs similar?

There are a striking number of similarities that exist between the introverted INTP personality type and the ambiverted ENTP personality type. Both types share four cognitive functions in only a slightly different order – making them difficult to distinguish from one another.

How do I know if I’m an Entp?

ENTPs are idealistic and seek ideas from others. They feed off others’ opinions to improve pre-existing ideas they’ve had or even completely change their own ideas and go with another person’s idea. ENTPs need logic. They cannot function (no pun intended) without logic.

What is the difference between INTP and ENTP personality types?

INTP vs. ENTP: Type Differences & Similarities. The INTP and ENTP types are well viewed as kindred spirits, with both placing high value on things like autonomy, freedom, creativity, and intellectual exploration. Like other NP types, they are holistic thinkers.

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What are the signs that you are an INTP?

Signs That You’re an INTP. 1. You’re a walking B.S. detector. You easily spot the logical errors in any given argument or explanation. It’s hard for people to lie to you because you know when something doesn’t add up. (It’s also hard for people to lie to themselves around you.)

Do INTPs like to be spontaneous?

INTPs are perceivers, and I am definitely a person who loves being spontaneous. It’s easier for me to just go with the flow and do things as they occur to me. I mean, I do try to plan and schedule and be on time.

Are INTPs meaning seekers or meaning-seers?

INTPs are also meaning-seekers, or put more negatively, they worry about the absence of meaning in life generally and their lives in particular. Due to the subconscious nature of their feeling function, they may struggle more than other types to experience value in life’s simple pleasures.