What are the 7 healthy foods?

What are the 7 healthy foods?

Top 7 Heart Health Foods

  • Oatmeal. In terms of heart health foods, rolled oats top the list.
  • Berries. Berries of all kinds contain polyphenols and antioxidants.
  • Tomatoes. These delicious red fruits contain high levels of lycopene.
  • Nuts.
  • Beans, lentils, and peas.
  • Broccoli, cabbage, and kale.
  • Avocado.

What are the 5 most nutritious foods?

The 11 Most Nutrient-Dense Foods on the Planet

  1. Salmon. Not all fish are created equal.
  2. Kale. Of all the leafy greens, kale is the king.
  3. Seaweed. The sea has more than just fish.
  4. Garlic. Garlic really is an amazing ingredient.
  5. Shellfish.
  6. Potatoes.
  7. Liver.
  8. Sardines.

What foods should I eat daily?

Eat a wide variety of foods from the five food groups :

  • plenty of colourful vegetables, legumes/beans.
  • fruit.
  • grain (cereal) foods – mostly wholegrain and high fibre varieties.
  • lean meats and poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds.
  • milk, yoghurt, cheese or their alternatives, mostly reduced fat.
  • Drink plenty of water.
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What are the top 5 healthiest foods?

The top 5 healthiest foods to eat now. 1. Cruciferous (Brassica) vegetables. The cruciferous category includes broccoli, cauliflower, kale, chard, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, collard and mustard greens, turnips, bok choy, kohlrabi, rutabaga, horse radish, and a few other vegetables.

Which foods are the healthiest to eat?

Bananas are perhaps the richest sources of potassium, making them one of the healthiest foods in the world. Potassium regulates blood pressure and aids the functioning of body’s digestive and urinary systems.

What are the “world’s unhealthiest foods”?

The Unhealthiest Foods Artificial sweeteners. Zero calories yes, zero detrimental effects on your health? Soda and diet soda. When it comes to sugar laden carbonated drinks versus sweetened diet sodas, there’s little difference in terms of the damage they do to your health. Candy. Fried foods. Hydrogenated fats. Processed meats. Processed cheese. Cow’s milk.
