Useful tips

Is it okay to marry a schedule caste?

Is it okay to marry a schedule caste?

If you marry a scheduled caste girl, your blood will thicken in your veins and this will reduced blood circulation in the first week.

Can a Sikh boy marry a Hindu girl?

There is nothing wrong with a Hindu girl to marry a Sikh boy or vice versa. The main requirement is understanding between the two people.

Can I take my mother caste?

In a significant verdict, the Delhi High Court has ruled that children of single mother belonging to Scheduled Caste community, whose father belongs to forward caste, cannot be accorded caste certificates unless it is established that they have suffered deprivations, indignities, humilities and handicaps faced by …

Who is Sehgal caste?

Sehgal, Saigal, Sahgal, or Saigol is a Punjabi “Kshatriya” or “Khatri” surname, originating from Punjab in India and Pakistan.

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Can a Sikh boy marry a non Sikh girl?

Sikhism does not allow marriage with any other religion. Whether it is a boy marrying a non Sikh or a girl marrying a non Sikh. Whoever states 0therwise either knows nothing about Sikhism or has less knowledge.

Should a Sikhi marry a Ravidassia?

If the boy is a Sikh than the OP should marry him because Sikhi knows no caste. But if, however, he is a Ravidassia rather than a Sikh (and this is the more likely scenario) then her parents are absolutely right in condemning the alliance and she ought to feel ashamed of herself for suggesting it.

Can a Muslim marry an Anand Karaj?

According to the Sikh faith, Anand Karaj is between a Sikh male and Sikh female, with no other combinations, a Muslim is also not suppose to marry outsiders, especially those who aren’t from the book. So either you 2 aren’t very religious or you both shouldn’t get married to each other, (your pick).

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Is it okay for Hindus to pretend to be Sikh?

Answer: yes it is done under false pretences deception and fraud. Their main argument is that Sikhs are Hindus and its okay as Sikhism is a part of Hindu religion. Hindus openly wears karas and kanda chains to pretend to be half Sikhs and lure Sikh girls into this false scene of security.