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How has anime changed your life?

How has anime changed your life?

Watching anime changed my life as they show stories and make me get an idea. Anime is not just cartoons for kids but shows a persons creativity and dreams. To get ideas and learn lessons and help yourself to enjoy life. Anime has taught me how find love,joy and laughter.

Does watching anime change your personality?

Well techinally no! Obviously it will not change your life if you watch it and even if you are getting motivation/perspectives from it at the you have to work so basically it does not change your life directly but yeah indirectly it can change your life by providing you with perspective’s.

What are the effects of watching anime?

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Third, there are many scenes of violence, blood and pornography in Japanese anime, which have a negative impact on the physical and mental development of young people. Many anime stories have negative themes, including hatred, pain, jealousy, resentment, sadness, some pictures and even sexual abuse and nudity.

Can you learn from watching anime?

Watching Anime can certainly be a useful tool to learn Japanese language. Yes, people can learn at least a bit watching anime! Although it may be tricky at times, it is possible to enjoy and learn Japanese at the same time.

Is my life an anime?

This is the short 4 minute anime made by Yamamoto Junichi, the author of such well-known shorts as Anemone, Melody, Memory. The anime shows us the whole human’s life (about 80 years) in just 4 minutes. This is the life, probably the same as the life of many other people, decent and worthy life, “My Life”.

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What age is anime aimed at?

The bulk of anime is still aimed at preteens and teens, people who are not legally adults. Anime aimed at adults as a primary target demographic is a minority when you compare it to the three demographics aimed at non-adults. , Since 2015 and a lot more since then.

Should anime be studied at school?

Anime is the integration of Japanese art and culture. It can encourage creative thinking that can be used for other core curricula. The stimulation of creativity is what promotes critical thinking that could help students even when they leave school.

Does watching anime change a person’s life?

If he get inspired by anime and apply some good habits in his life there his life change a bit coz of anime. But if he just watch anime and does nothing then he will surly forget the good thing happened in that anime. So it does not necessarily changed his life.

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Why do you like anime?

The emotions, the drama (at times they overdo it), the thrill, anime is full of, is just another way to reach our innermost thoughts. The let us release our own imagination out of our minds and put it into anime. No limit to what one thinks. No limit to the dreams. Maybe we can’t live their life, probably because they are just a fantasy.

When did anime become popular in Japan?

The best place to start is around World War II, since that was the time when the anime and manga (Japanese comics) industry evolved significantly. During World War II the entire Japanese nation was mobilized.

What was the first anime to air on TV?

1962 – Manga Calendar was the very first anime to be aired on television. 1963 – Tezuka’s Astro Boy premiered on NBC stations. 1970’s- Various “mecha” anime (anime with giant robots) took over.