What did Krishna say about non veg?

What did Krishna say about non veg?

Krishna says : I am pleased by water, leaf, flower when offered with love. ( He has never mentioned anything else ) here. He was a yadava Kshatriya.

Did Pandavas eat beef?

However, the Pandavas, during their exile also sustained themselves on meat, so it is likely that the eating of meat was looked down upon but not outright taboo. During Arjuna’s second exile, Draupadi and the remaining Pandavas regularly hunted deer for meat.

What does Bhagavad Gita say about killing animals?

Lord Krishna, in the Bhagavad Gita, the essence of all Vedic scriptures, does not advocate meat eating or killing innocent living beings including animals and vegetables. It could be argued that some ‘killing’ may be involved in eating some vegetables but largely most fruits and vegetables do not involve ‘killing’.

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Is vegetarian dog and cat food safe?

Vegetarian Dog and Cat Food Risks. Dogs and cats process certain nutrients differently than people do. Here are two examples: Vitamins A and D: Dogs and cats cannot make vitamin D in their skin, so it needs to be in their diet. And the vitamin D needs to be D3, which comes from animal sources, not D2, which comes from plant-based sources.

Should I stop feeding my companion animals meat-based pet food?

If you are concerned about your companion animals’ health and about the cruelty of the meat industry, you may want to stop buying meat-based commercial pet food. Feeding companion animals commercial pet foods may be jeopardizing their health.

What are the risks of a vegan diet for dogs?

Potential Problems. The risks of feeding dogs or cats vegetarian or vegan diet include: Inadequate total protein intake (less than the 25 grams per 1,000 calories recommended) Imbalance of the certain amino acids, such as taurine and L-carnitine (dogs and cats) or essential fatty acids arachidonic acid (cats only), in particular.

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How can I Help my vegetarian pet get healthy?

Consult with a veterinary nutritionist who can analyze your commercial or homemade vegetarian pet diet and make recommendations for additional health safeguards. Schedule more frequent wellness exams, including blood work, with your family veterinarian — at least twice a year, even for young pets eating vegetarian diets.
