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Who is more merciful Radha or Krishna?

Who is more merciful Radha or Krishna?

Therefore, it is sometimes said that Radharani is even more merciful than the Lord Himself. In this age of kali Lord Krishna’s eternal wish to understand Radha’s love for Him came true when He appeared as Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, who is none other than Krishna Himself but in the mood of Radharani.

Why is Radharani Worshipped?

Radha-Krishna have been a part of poetry, drama and folklore since time immemorial. So the world worships Radha to celebrate the bond of love and devotion, one of the paths to realize the Truth mentioned in the Gita. There are many temples that worship Rukmini with Krishna as Rukmini-Dwarikadhish.

Who killed Radharani?

Radha abandoned her body while listening to the tunes of the flute. Lord Krishna could not bear Radha’s death and broke his flute as a symbolic ending of love and threw it into the bush. Since then, Sri Krishna has not played the flute or any other instrument of life.

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Why Radha Ji is called Radharani?

Radha is also called Vrindavaneshwari as she is considered as the queen of Vrindavan. Radha’s love for Krishna is so divine and selfless that it is believed that the Krishna who attracts the whole world, himself gets attracted towards Radharani.

What are the qualities of Radha?

These are some of Radha’s prominent qualities:

  • Radha is adolescent and always freshly youthful.
  • Radharani is very sweet and most charming to look at.
  • Radha’s face is smiling and ever blissful.
  • Radharani is the most exceptional singer and veena player.
  • Radha’s words are charming and pleasing.

What was the height of Radha Rani?

Radha Rani Temple

Shri Radha Rani Temple
Completed 1675 AD
Elevation 250 m (820 ft)

What curse did Sridama gave to Radha?

Sridama could not digest this and he too cursed Radharani in turn. Means : “In Gokula, getting the company of Krishna, you will enjoy pastimes in the forest. Then, you’ll experience a separation of 100 years from Hari. After that, you’ll again get His company and return to Go-loka.”

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How did radharani appear?

Radharani appears in the house of Vrishbhanu Maharaj and Kiritida Devi in Barsana. She decided to appear in Barsana in the house of Vrishbhanu Maharaj and Kiritida Devi. Both these great souls had been performing austerities since many lifetimes to have the eternal consort of Krishna as their daughter.

Who is Radharani?

1) She is Krishna’s eternal consort According to the Vedas, a complete conception of the Divine includes both masculine and feminine aspects. Described as the energetic and creative power of the Divine, Radharani is, in one sense, one with Krishna, as the sunshine is one with the sun.

Who is Radha Radharani?

Radharani is a manifestation of Krishna’s love. Shri Radha is hladini-sakti, or the pleasure-giving potency of Krishna. Krishna is energetic and Radha is energy. Radha and Krishna are one Atma (soul) in the sense that they are Sakti (power) and saktiman (powerful).

What is the significance of Radharani in Hinduism?

Radharani is expressed as the expansion of the pleasure potency (hladini-sakti) of Krishna. As She is compared with the creeper, Her associates, the damsels of Vraja, are just like the flowers and leaves of that creeper. When Radharani and Krishna enjoy Themselves, the damsels of Vraja enjoy the pleasure more than Radharani Herself.

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Why do we pray to Srimati Radharani?

In Vrindavana all the pure devotees pray for the mercy of Srimati Radharani, the pleasure potency of Lord Krishna. (Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.3.23 – Purport) Srimati Radharani is a tenderhearted feminine counterpart of the supreme whole, resembling the perfectional stage of the worldly feminine nature.

What is radradharani’s name in the Hare Krishna mantra?

Radharani also appears in the Hare Krishna mantra as “Hare (ha-RAY),” the vocative form of “Hara.”. Hara is the feminine form of Hari, another name of Krishna. Her name appears before Krishna’s in the mantra because She’s known for Her compassionate nature; devotees of Krishna approach Her before approaching Him.