
What does Galadriel mean when she says she will diminish?

What does Galadriel mean when she says she will diminish?

She’s diminishing because the time for the dominion of men had come. This means she’s going to be losing her position of authority. She’s remaining Galadriel because the ring won’t transform her as it did for Gollum.

What does the time of the elves is over mean?

“The time of the Elves is over, but our time is at hand: the world of Men, which we must rule.” ― Saruman. The Dominion of Men refers to the fact that Men remained the only speaking race on Middle-earth, inheriting its mastery from the ancient Elves. For this they were sometimes called “The Usurpers” by the Elves.

Why did Galadriel get banished?

The single reason why she was exiled is because she wanted to leave Valinor and go to Middle-Earth at a time when the Valar didn’t want her to.

What did Galadriel do to make the quest of Gandalf successful?

After the departure of the Fellowship, Galadriel took action to make the quest a success. She also rescued Gandalf and nursed him, dressed him and gave him a new army. Lorien was attacked thrice but it could manage to send back the armies of Dol Guldur because of the power of the Ring and the strength of the Elves.

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How old is Galadriel in The Hobbit?

Galadriel is over 7,000 years old. She was born in the Undying Lands (“the West”), and was one the leaders of the events that led the Elves to Middle Earth. She refused to return at the end of the First Age, and so the Valar barred her from returning later. Hence the significance of her statement.

Why did Gandalf and the Elves stay with Sauron?

Elrond mentions to Gandalf there is no strength left in the Elves to stem the darkness. With that knowledge, I think they planned to leave regardless, but stayed longer than most because they could probably hold off Sauron for a short time while the remainder of their people attempted to escape.

Why did the elves return to the Undying Lands?

At the time of the Lord of the Rings, more and more of the Elven population of Middle Earth have decided to return to the Undying Lands, due in part to the original rise of Sauron from which they endured heavy casualties but could not quite recover as the men of Gondor and Arnor did.