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Do customers like SMS marketing?

Do customers like SMS marketing?

What’s more is the data cited by Digital Marketing Magazine indicating 75\% of consumers actually prefer to receive promotions via text message. These numbers tell us that consumers are a lot more receptive toward messages they receive via text.

Can you send SMS to customers?

Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) Under the TCPA, businesses may not send messages to consumers without their consent. Even if an individual provides their phone number or has a long-standing relationship with the business, the company cannot text the individual if they have not granted written consent.

Why is SMS marketing effective?

For many customers, receiving texts is their preferred way of communicating. And 70\% of customers say that SMS marketing is a good way for businesses to get their attention. By communicating with customers the way they want you to, your business is more likely to see engagement and get a response.

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What is a good click rate for SMS?

The average click-through rate (CTR) for email marketing campaigns fall between 6 and 7\%, but the average CTR for text messages is a whopping 45\%. That’s a huge chunk of people who are more likely to open and engage with your sales and marketing texts, rather than emails!

How many SMS are sent daily?

6 billion texts
Over 6 billion texts are sent every day. (CTIA) (Tweet this!) 13. Over 180 billion texts are sent every month.

What can I do with SMS?

It’s most popularly used to send pictures, but can also be used to send audio, phone contacts, and video files. Because SMS and MMS are sent over a cellular network, they only require a wireless plan from cellular carriers to get started. Standard SMS messages are limited to 160 characters per message.

What is SMS strategy?

SMS Marketing is sending promotional campaigns or transactional messages for marketing purposes using text messages (SMS). These messages are mostly meant to communicate time-sensitive offers, updates, and alerts to people who have consented to receive these messages from your business.

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What are the disadvantages of SMS?

What Are the Disadvantages?

  • It’s Short. Your messages are limited to only 160 characters.
  • It’s Simple.
  • Consumers Have to Opt-In.
  • It Can Be Spammy.
  • It’s Easy to Block Unknown Numbers.
  • You Can’t Tell If Texts Have Been Read.
  • It’s Strictly Regulated.
  • It Isn’t Conversational.

Who should use SMS marketing?

SMS Marketing: connecting brands and their customers in a whole new way.

  • It’s Personal. Your customers have a very personal relationship with their phones.
  • It’s Simple.
  • It’s Highly Targeted.
  • It Outperforms Other Channels.
  • It’s Easy to Implement, Manage, and Track.

Is SMS more effective than email?

If your message requires urgent action or is time-sensitive, SMS is the more effective communication channel. If your message needs to be saved by your customers for a later date, email might be the best way to go.

Why do customers prefer SMS over voice?

When it comes to customer service in particular, 64 percent of customers choose SMS over voice if the choice is presented to them. In other words, SMS is not just a marketing tool. It has tremendous value when viewed through the lens of customer service.

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How to use SMS as a tool for customer support?

When using SMS as a tool for providing support to customers, you need to understand what you’re doing right and wrong. One of the best ways to gauge the efficacy of your efforts is by sending post-contact SMS customer feedback surveys. These surveys should be easy to read, short, and relevant.

How do you measure the success of SMS customer feedback surveys?

One of the best ways to gauge the efficacy of your efforts is by sending post-contact SMS customer feedback surveys. These surveys should be easy to read, short, and relevant. Only ask three or four questions and avoid overstepping your boundaries.

What are the rules for sending text messages to customers?

While you should study the rules for yourself, here are the two biggest things you must be aware of: (1) Consumers must provide businesses with authorization to send messages, and (2) Consumers always have the right to opt-out and stop receiving messages.