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What are the values of the Western world?

What are the values of the Western world?

Values of Western culture have, throughout history, been derived from political thought, widespread employment of rational argument favouring freethought, assimilation of human rights, the need for equality, and democracy.

What makes Western culture unique?

Key Features of Western Culture Western culture is ruggedly individualistic. Westerners pride themselves in having their own unique identities. They like to think for themselves, and they value individualism. Eastern culture, by contrast, tends to be much more collectivist.

What is the Western society culture and individuals?

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Western culture, also known as Western civilization, Occidental culture, or Western society, is the heritage of social norms, ethical values, traditional customs, belief systems, political systems, artifacts and technologies of the Western world.

What is Eastern and Western culture?

Eastern culture includes Asia and the Middle East, while the western world includes South and North America, European countries, New Zealand and Australia. Western culture allows people to be more open and critical.

What is the Eastern Society?

1. A group of people living in or originating from the East, in particular Asia.

What did you know about western and Eastern culture?

What are the difference of western and Eastern philosophy?

Western philosophy deals with Individualism while Eastern Philosophy is related to Collectivism. Both philosophies center on virtues. Eastern philosophy takes more of a spiritual approach while Western philosophy is more hands-on.

What is considered Eastern culture?

Eastern Culture (refer to the culture map above) has these characteristics listed below: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shenism, Taoism, and Islam are some common religions practiced in the Eastern world.

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How are Western and Eastern cultures similar?

Eastern and Western cultures resemble each other in some notable aspects. The first similarity is the adherence to religious beliefs. Both civilizations shape their lives according to their religious beliefs. Another similarity between two civilizations is the way they communicate.

What are the major differences between Eastern and Western culture?

These differences can be noted for the most part in people’s behavior and attitudes. The major difference between eastern and western culture is that people in the east are more conservative and traditional than the general population in the west.

What are Western values and beliefs?

Western values and beliefs, which I would equate to Western civilization, is the “social norms, ethical values, traditional customs, belief systems, political systems, artifacts and technologies that originated in or are associated with Europe” (Wikipedia).

What are the characteristics of people in the east?

People in the East are commonly inflexible in their beliefs and ideologies. They do not easily compromise nor question the long practiced customs and traditions. In Eastern countries, elders are considered as the leaders of the home and children often refer their choices to them and obey what they say.

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Why are people in Western societies more individualistic?

When questioned about their attitudes and behaviours, people in more individualistic, Western societies tend to value personal success over group achievement, which in turn is also associated with the need for greater self-esteem and the pursuit of personal happiness.