
How much does 120 film cost?

How much does 120 film cost?

120 Film Scan Only Prices

Type Price
Already Developed $5 per cut roll $5 per uncut roll
135/120/220 Normal – $3 Large – $5 (per cut roll)

Can you still get 120 film?

120 film is still a very popular medium format film, especially with the recent popularity of the Holga. The 120 film format was originally introduced by Eastman Kodak for its Brownie No. 2 in 1901. The 620 roll film was the same size, but didn’t have a spool and is discontinued.

Why is 120 film cheaper than 35mm?

35mm film is much SMALLER than 120mm film. Because it is a larger film, this means each roll contains only 16 shots instead of the 36 shots on a 35mm film. You know what that means – yep, it’s way more expensive to shoot 120mm. You have to purchase more rolls to shoot the same amount of frames.

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Can you bulk load 120 film?

Bulk loading 120 film – the premise The process described here is equally applicable to bulk loading 70mm film as 120 or 220. The simple answer is “yes” but naturally, backing paper and film length measurements will be different.

Can you shoot 120mm on a 35mm camera?

35mm film adapters center a 35mm film canister in a 120 format spool allowing you to shoot 35mm film in any 120 medium format film camera. Adapters are simple to use and offer several benefits: Adapters allow you to use 35mm films that are not available in 120 format.

How many shots do you get on 120 film?

Number of Shots per Roll A roll of 120 film has 10-15 shots, depending on the size you’re shooting. With the 645 size, you have 15 shots per roll; with 6 x 6, you have 12 shots; and with 67, you only have 10 shots.

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Does Walmart develop 120mm film?

Yup, Walmart will develop 120, 110, and 35 mm for B&W, color negative and color slides. They used to do Kodachrome as well, by sending it to Dwayne’s, before Kodachrome was retired. They send out their films to regional Fuji labs, but if you are in the mid-west,…

Where can I get medium format 120 film developed?

Update: We’re hearing that Walmart is no longer offering medium format film development. Want to try your hand at shooting medium format 120 film but not sure where you’d get it developed? Stacie Grissom of Stars for Streetlights recommends WalMart as an easy and affordable option: I have an awesome tip for you.

How much does it cost to process 120 E-6 film?

I seem to recall the cost for processing 120 E-6 in this manner was $4.88. So, for all the naysayers, keep in mind that there are amateurs out there just starting or re-entering the medium format film scene…. we probably are not planning to later send our negatives out for drum scanning and printing at 120″ x 120″….

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Can I drop off 120 film at Walmart for processing?

04-15-13 A couple of observations. First, most of us who drop 120 film at Walmart for processing understand that Walmart Employees have no idea what is up with 120 film. Second, Walmart Employees have nothing to do with the actual processing or printing of your film.