What does the Bible say about rewriting your story?

What does the Bible say about rewriting your story?

The Bible says in Isaiah 48:10 – “Behold, I have refined you, but not with silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction”. Our Almighty God has not drop the pen that he is using to write yours and my story and so keep the faith and walk with the Holy Spirit for better understanding of your purpose.

Why were some books left out of the Bible?

The texts might only have been known to few people, or they might have been left out because their content does not fit well into that of the other books of the Bible. Some of the apocrypha were written at a later date, and were therefore not included. The Authorized King James Version called these books ‘Apocrypha’.

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What changes did Joseph Smith make to the Bible?

While working on his revision of the Bible, Joseph Smith did not employ Hebrew and Greek sources, lexicons, or a knowledge of biblical languages to render a new English text. Rather, he used a copy of the King James Bible as the starting point for his translation, dictating inspired changes and additions to scribes.

How do you rewrite a story?

Steps to rewrite your story

  1. Examine your habits. Instead of focusing on what you want to change, turn your attention to the bad habit or habits that lead to you wanting to learn how to change yourself.
  2. Practice every day.
  3. Focus on self-reflection.
  4. Surround yourself with good people.
  5. Keep taking risks.

How God can change your life?

God cleans us up by taking our sins away from our life and making us a new creature in Christ, but every day He works on us to make us what we need to be for him in this life. I have many flaws in my life, but God daily helps me to change these flaws and to become the man that he desires me to be.

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Did Joseph Smith believe in the Bible?

Smith’s version of the Bible generally followed the Authorized King James Version, with small changes; however, he also introduced large new passages, including a preface to Genesis and a significantly expanded 24th chapter of Matthew.

Is Joseph Smith God?

Witnesses of the Prophet Joseph Smith He was a man of God and had the revelations of Jesus Christ, and the words of Jesus Christ to the people.

How do you rewrite the past?

Here are 3 intentional actions that will provide you space to rewrite your past, your story:

  1. Reflect. Spend time with just yourself. Become one with your thoughts and the present moment.
  2. Journal everyday. This was the very first thing I did. I wrote, a lot.
  3. Read books. Reading helped me immensely.

Why do we rewrite stories?

Rewriting your story is not about being delusional that bad things are actually good or in denial about anything – but it is about finding meaning in the events of our life, to recognise the learning, growth and how those events made you the person that you are. And to appreciate that person.

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