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Can I become a financial analyst with a computer science degree?

Can I become a financial analyst with a computer science degree?

If you are still an undergraduate student who is considering a career as a financial analyst, it is best to take courses in business, economics, accounting and math. Other majors that are looked upon favorably include computer sciences, biology, physics and even engineering.

Can a computer science student work in finance?

Obviously, finance is not a specialty within computer science, and computer science is not a subset of finance, so the jobs are in the overlap of the two. The possible job areas break down into several types: 1) Computer related jobs that are needed by computer intensive businesses but that are not specific to finance.

Which degree is best for financial analyst?

A bachelor’s degree in a math or finance-related major is helpful, but a masters in finance, a math-related field, or an MBA will also help get your foot in the door, as well as industry certifications such as a CFA charter.

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Which major is better finance or computer science?

Finance has higher variance, but lower mean. Computer science has lower variance, but higher mean. If you think you’re very, very, very good and money is very important to you, then go finance. If you like to be bossed around and you like to write software, then go CS.

Does finance or computer science make more money?

According to PayScale, graduates with a bachelor of computer science degree typically earn more per year than someone who has a bachelor of finance. A person with a computer science degree earns around $84,908 per year while for a finance major it is around $68,332 per year.

Who Earns More investment banker or software engineer?

Salary– In terms of who takes the fatter paycheck home, an investment banker’s salary is higher than that of a software engineer unless you bag a job at Facebook or Google of course.